In the last post, I went over the basics behind Kings of War including unit rules, terrain rules, and a few others. In this installment of the Kings of War Rules I want to finish up with all the other basic major rules including playing out a turn. As stated previously, a turn consists of three phases: (1) movement phase; (2) shooting phase; and (3) the melee phase.
Movement Phase
During the movement phase, units move across the board based on the movement order that they are given. There are seven (7) different basic movement orders that can be given to a unit: (1) halt; (2) change facing; (3) advance; (4) back; (5) sidestep; (6) at the double; and (7) charge. The orders are fairly self explanatory. If a unit is given a halt order, then that unit does not move in the movement phase. Change facing allows a unit to pivot around its center to face any direction (though the center of the unit must stay in the same position). Back and sidestep orders allow a unit to move either directly backward or directly to one side up to HALF the unit's movement value (but the unit cannot change facing). The at the double order allows a unit to move at double the unit's speed (or movement value) directly forward without pivoting or changing its facing. An advance order allows a unit to move forward up to its movement speed, but the unit is allowed to make a single pivot around its center up to 90* during the move and finish any of its remaining movement in that direction. A charge order allows a unit to charge an enemy unit.
Additionally, in Kings of War, when moving units, units may move through other friendly units (except when charging) so long at the moving unit does not end its move on top of the friendly unit. However, enemy units cannot be moved through and a unit cannot approach within 1" of an enemy unit except when charging or during a pivot move (so long as the unit finishes the pivot outside of 1" of the enemy unit). Units that pivot can pivot through friendly units, enemy units, and terrain (including blocking terrain) so long as the unit ends the pivot clear of the other units or terrain.