Thursday, April 24, 2014

Broadside Bash 2014: Scenarios

This weekend is the Broadside Bash 2014 GT! A two-day battle of 40 Warhammer Fantasy players engaging in battle over five different scenarios. This is what I will be dealing with:

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Broadside Bash 2014: Army List

For the Broadside Bash, on April 26-27, 2014, in San Diego, CA, I will be playing 2500 points of Dark Elves. This is what I will be bringing to fight all the other filthy armies at the tournament:

Friday, April 11, 2014

West Coast GT 2014: Scenarios

This weekend is the West Coast GT 2014! A two-day battle of 60 Warhammer Fantasy players. This year, all five games have updated scenarios. Let’s take a look at what I will be dealing with.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

WaaaghPaca 2014: Armies in Review (Part #2)

Here are the last run of army pictures from WaaaghPaca. Enjoy while I paint Dark Elves for the upcoming tournaments.

Ed Phillips: Daemons of Chaos
Ed's army in all its glory. Look at all those sweet conversions.
The Nurgle "Khorne Skull Cannon" bug thing.
Epidimius on his mount.
Plaguebearer unit
Beast of Nurgle units and furies.
Solo beasts!
Flying plague drones and their skull pile. Maybe they think they are Khornish?

Chris Yu: Orcs and Goblins
A blurry photo of Chris Yu's orc madness.
Goblin banner
Squig diver!

Chris Tomlin: Dark Elves
This army is just absolutely amazing! I especially loved all the hand painted banners. This was the army that won Best Painted at the tournament.
Chris' army in all its glory.
Corsairs with sad heart banner.
Executioner horde
Battle Standard Bearer with beautiful free-hand banner
Manticore rider with full scorpion tail!
Side of corsair unit
Tomlin's hydra
Dark Rider unit #1
Dark Rider unit #2
Another view of the Manticore on flying base.
Dark Pegasus Rider
Peg rider again
Executioner unit filler

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

West Coast GT 2014: Army List

For the West Coast GT, on April 12-13, 2014, in Mission Viejo, CA, I will be playing 2500 points of Dark Elves. I am playing a list similar to the one I took to WaaaghPaca in January with just a little bit more craziness and I am hoping I don't run into that many cannons. The first two rounds are based on Swedish Comp scoring, and this army comps a mighty 1.5 due to its awesomeness and monster theme. This is what I will be bringing to fight all the other filthy armies at the tournament:

Thursday, April 3, 2014

WaaaghPaca 2014: Round #5 (Tzeentch's Revenge)

For the last round of WaaaghPaca, I was sitting at a decent 3-1 record with most, but not all of the bonus points. So I was expecting a hard final game, and I was not disappointed. My final opponent for the tournament was playing a Tzeentch-heavy Daemons of Chaos army that included: three units of screamers, three units of horrors, several heralds, a Lord of Change, and - of course - two Khorne Skullcannons (because what near mono-themed army wouldn't bring two cannons to the table). This list looks like it was designed to just demolish monsters and I knew I had to keep my units away from the screamers or I was going to be in big trouble.

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