Thursday, February 27, 2014

WaaaghPaca 2014: Round #3 (The Quick One)

For Round 3 of Waaghpaca I played the shortest game I have ever played. The game was so fast that I can't remember my opponent's name. All I can remember about him was that when he realized that we were playing the Fortitude scenario and saw that most of my Fortitude was either in fast cavalry or on flying mounts, he started complaining about how bad this game was going to be. I just kind of stared blankly at him at this point as anyone who plays Warriors of Chaos is never allowed to complain about anything, regardless of your army list.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Thoughts on the Dwarf Army Book: Army Special Rules

The Dwarf army book has finally arrived, and with it, comes a ton of new rules, new runes, and new units that will hopefully shake up the way Dwarfs are played on the tournament scene. Over several blog posts, I will be addressing all the new changes to the Dwarf Book. This post, I will be going over all the new Dwarf Special rules. This time around, the Dwarfs have a ton of army-wide (or nearly army-wide special rules) that impact how they will be played.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

WaaaghPaca 2014: Armies in Review (Part #1)

I'm taking a little break this week as I am swamped with work and life. As such, there will not be a battle report this week. However, I don't want to leave everyone empty-handed. Rest assured, battle reports are being finished and will be forthcoming, as will some new articles on my thoughts on the new dwarfs, and even a new feature delving into the tactics of specific units. But, that will take some time, so here are some of my favorite armies from WaaaghPaca 2014:

Thursday, February 13, 2014

WaaaghPaca 2014: Round #2 (The Ruins Bruins)

After my devastating loss in Round 1 to Ryan Nicol, I was paired up against Kevin "Ruins" Bruins (@RuinsBruins on twitter) of Skullbrosawesome fame. Ruins was a great opponent and garnered my favorite opponent vote of the weekend (and ended up as Best Sportsman of the tournament with all five favorite opponent votes). He took this game really well despite (spoiler alert) blowing up a large portion of his army on the first turn.

I am convinced that this man is nothing but smiles and rainbows.
Ruins, this guy here on the left who was having way too much fun before we even began deployment, was playing a beautifully converted Beastman army. (pics at the bottom)

His list for the tournament was a little more unorthodox than the standard Beastman builds I see at tournaments. This might have been because at 2000 points, its hard to fit all the normal tricks in the army like the Herdstone, multiple shamans, and Doombull. But, I like to think that it was because Ruins knew his army so well, he didn't need all the super powerful units to win his games.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

WaaaghPaca 2014: Round #1 (The Grudge Match)

For Round #1 of this year's WaaaghPaca, I grudged Ryan Nicol (@lordbaerion on twitter). I had met him briefly last year and he looked like a fun opponent. And, as many of the other West Coast players were also grudging opponents, I thought I would join in as it would make the whole weekend experience get off to a great start. There is nothing better for a tournament than starting off with a great game against a great opponent even if (spoiler alert!) you don't win.

Now with fancy facial hair!
Ryan, this guy on the left, was playing a very special High Elf list. This meant that we would be playing a true grudge with the heart of Ulthuan in the balance (okay, maybe just a small island).

Ryan's list for the tournament included:
  • Eltharion on Stormwing (this dude is broke!);
  • Dragonmage on Dragon (also broke!);
  • 2 units of 12 archers with musician and standard bearer;
  • 1 large unit (28 I think) of Lothern Seaguard;
  • 3 bolt throwers;
  • an eagle;
  • and a Frostheart Phoenix.
If you picked anything out from the above list, it should be that all of Ryan's core can shoot, and all his back-up units also shoot or cast spells. That makes for one nasty little list to have to go through to get to the points of the army, if you can.
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