Friday, December 14, 2012

Alamo GT 2012 - Armies, Models, and Tournament Scores

Well, as is no surprise after reading my battle reports, I pulled a middling place in the 2012 Alamo GT. My overall score was 189 points out of a maximum 270 points. The highest overall total this year was 227 points and the lowest was 125 points. Thus, my performance pretty much right in the middle of the pack when the points spread is taken into account. A full list of results is available here. As no one actually got all 270 points I don't feel as ashamed in my performance, but this was not one of the better tournaments for me. Let's take a look at my overall performance and breakdown.

In total I got 189 points. 47 of those points were Battle Points from my game. This is easily the area where I could have, and should have picked up some more points. Even picking up 12 more points from winning two of the other games (assuming I only won by 100+ and not 500+) would have moved me into top 25 territory (a place I am much happier with). But alas, it was not to be this tournament.

I picked up 65 points for sportsmanship. The maximum was 80 points and everyone started with 64 points which means that I managed to get a best opponent vote from one of my opponents and did not get any bad game votes during the entire tournament. I am always pleased to be some one's best game of the tournament and getting at least 1 vote makes me feel good about my game interactions. Now I can work on getting 2 best opponent votes next year!

I managed to walk away with 66 points for army appearance. This was awesome! I am not a great painter and I know that I won't be getting any additional appearance votes so I was stoked to get this score. Especially as the painting score maxed at 72 and the remaining 8 points are gained from fluffy bunny votes. I got 1 fluffy bunny votes (for bringing a spear to a tank fight) from my opponents. I won't be getting much higher score than this in tournaments to come so I can't make up points here in the future.

Finally, I got all 10 of my Alamo points for providing my army list on time and playing all games in a timely fashion. I don't think anyone lost these points this year.

So all in all, an okay showing. But the easiest place to make up points would be to win more games and get the bonus objectives. If I can accomplish that, I can see a much better placing next year. Bring it on 2013 Alamo GT, I will be ready!!!

And without further ado, to finish out my 2012 Alamo GT wrap-up. Let's take a look at some of the amazing armies and models I was able to catch pictures of throughout the tournament.

My Wood Elf army for the Alamo GT 2012.

Some of Ed Phillips', from Leadership 2, amazing Skaven models.

Plague Furnace!

Lots and lots of conversions throughout the army.

Leadership 2's Jeff Seuss' Dragon Princes unit converted as White Lion Princes of Chrace.

And his Griffon riding lord!!!

Leadership 2's Michael Scaletti's all converted (and heavily greenstuffed) Chaos Trolls.

So creepy looking. I would not want to come across this unit in an alleyway at night.

Can someone say 16" Hell Cannon, because that it what this giant, acid-spitting, worm-like hellbeast operates as in Mike Scaletti's army. This conversion is real masterpiece.

The army BSB!!! The freehand on the banner is absolutely amazing and I am afraid that my poor camera work just does not show of its majesty in enough detail.

Front view.

A nice looking empire unit that was entered in the best painted unit category. I like how there were several different unit fillers of different sizes and model count.

Leadership 2's Tony Pacheco's Vampire Lord entered into the best painted single miniature category. His whole army was contrasted in the purple and cream with silver armor and was quite a sight to behold.

Tony's Terrorgheist in the same army colors.

And his unit of Crypt Ghouls entered into the best painted unit category. I like his large unit fillers in the back which gives the entire unit more depth as it makes the back of the unit look like it is coming up over the top of the front rank.

A lone dwarf entered into the best single miniature category. The non-metallic metal work on this model was phenomenal.

A brightly, and nicely painted slann that showcases good use of yellow highlighting.

A fantastic Aracnarok Spider. This thing is just absolutely beautiful. The eyes are glazed over and make it look like there is really a creature there staring at you.

Finally, I found this great painted Ogre army that I just had to take pictures of and show off. The Ogre's hides showcase a real talent for layering and good color composition.


Well there you have it. The 2012 Alamo GT all finally wrapped up. Now I can't wait to start working on army projects for next year and have a better showing. And next year it won't take a month and a half to get everything up and posted.


  1. Looks like a fun tournament! I've always wanted to check that one out.

    I like the blog. Pretty legit.

    Looking at seeing you at QCR next year; I'm at a toss-up between wood elves and daemons. I need to start working on something if I want to get a good paint score.


    1. Thanks, Danny. Pleased to hear that you are thinking of Wood Elves. I like them, they are a fun, and tactically tough army, so I feel I get more enjoyment out of most games.

      Keep checking in as I hope to put even more useless tactical content on here.

  2. Love to hear how you converted that flying lion/griffon. Looks incredible :)


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