As I prepare some other blog posts and recover from several weeks of trial and moving, I thought I would provide a short update of the books that I have been reading lately. I have had a lot of time to read as I was flying out to several places and I didn't manage to set up the entertainment center until last weekend. Without further ado, this is what I have finished recently:
Gotrek and Felix: Road of Skulls, Josh Reynolds

This is the most recent entry in the Gotrek and Felix series. This series may be my favorite series from Black Library as Gotrek is probably the most bad-ass character in the Warhammer world! That being said, however, I thought this book started off a little to slow and that the characterizations did not meet my normal expectations. I found Felix in particular to be particularly poorly written in the first few chapters. He came off more as a whiny child who couldn't hold his own in a fight rather than a master swordsman carrying an Elven blade who has been fighting for several decades. By the end of the book he seemed to be back in true form, but his initial combat reluctance and failures was difficult reading.
Neferata: The Blood of Nagash, Josh Reynolds

This is the first novel of the vampire counts trilogy by Black Library. It explains how the vampires survived and came to be a power in the Warhammer world. I like the progression of Neferata as she keeps trying to build a power base in the world but is thwarted time and time again by those she either betrayed, or took for granted. I'm looking forward to the other two books in the series to see how they further explain the bloodlines besides the Lahmians.
Fool Moon, Jim Butcher
This is the second novel in the Dresden Files. I am just loving this series and I can't get enough of these books. I have purchased the entire series an am quickly moving my way to through them. Butcher's writing is progressing in his second novel and he added Werewolves (of several different kinds). What more could a person want?
Grave Peril, Jim Butcher

The third book of the Dresden Files and the introduction of the character Michael Carpenter. This book was great as it continued to expand and explain the Nevernever. Like I said above, I just can't get enough of these books!
Summer Knight, Jim Butcher

The fourth book of the Dresden Files. An much more thorough explanation of the Fey and the Summer and Winter houses. Lots of running plot lines and themes. I like how the ongoing small plot points keep building on themselves.
Death Masks, Jim Butcher

The fifth book in the Dresden Files. Some serious sh!t goes down in this book and really rocks Dresden's world. Events of biblical proportions are beginning and ancient foes with unspeakable power are at the heart of this book. By this point in the series I was getting to really appreciate Butcher's writing itself, more than the plot and world of the books. He writes great snark! I can't wait to plow ahead with the rest of the series.
The Inexplicables, Cherie Priest

The latest book in Priest's post-civilwar Steampunk world. This book takes place back in Seattle and focuses on how people are surviving in the harsh landscape created by the gas. Not as thought provoking or action oriented as her prior books, but still a good read for its further development of Seattle.
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