Wednesday, December 11, 2013

WaaaghPaca: Update#1

Waaghpaca is almost upon us again. This year I am playing Dark Elves! But the list I am going for is going to be a little different from most of the lists you will see at other tournaments. Especially as this list is only 2000 points. Here are a couple of inside peek shots on what I will be working on for the next few weeks.

I hope to update this weekly as we get closer to the tournament so that I can show off my progress (and make sure I make progress). Here is what I have finished the last week or so.

Look what I bought:

And it comes in so many different pieces. Trying to get this thing together was a pain in the ass. Lots of little cracks to putty as you can tell from the pictures.

I also picked up two boxes of Dark Riders/Doomfire Warlocks to get to work on. These guys have already been fixed up and primed. Now to painting pretty much a whole new army in a little over a month.


  1. Have you tried out the Kharibdyss yet?

    6 or so times I've played him, I haven't been a huge fan. He's pretty squishy. He is pretty cool if you can get a combo charge off with him, with the re-roll Ld tests.

    1. I managed to get three games in with him so far. One game he killed a Sabertusk before he was hit and killed by the Ironblaster. Another game he was Spirit Leeched off the board on Turn 2 before he could do anything. Practice game 3 he also died before being able to do anything. However, I feel that at his low points cost, and how much my opponent focused on him for several turns of the game, including making sure he never saw combat, the rest of my army was able to swoop in and destroy things. I think I will keep him in my current monster mash style list, but will probably drop him in favor of the bloodwrack shrine for more infantry and combat oriented lists.


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