Thursday, November 21, 2013

Alamo GT 2013: Round #1 - Chaos Dwarves

How do you properly start a tournament? By playing Chaos Dwarves of course! For my Round 1 opponent I played Michael McGuire. I snuck a picture of him when he was too busy looking at his army for deployment.

I don't have a copy of his army list, but from what I remember (and what the pictures tell me) he had the following models/units:
  •  K'dai Destroyer
  • 2 Units of Chaos Dwarves with Fireglaives
  • Large horde of Chaos Dwarves
  • Level 4 Spellcaster
  • Battle Standard Bearer
  • Magma Cannon
  • Death Rocket
  • Hell Cannon
  • Iron Daemon

Now that is a lot of firepower to bring to bear on a poor hapless Dark Elf army like mine. How did the game go, let's dive in and see how it progressed.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Alamo GT 2013: Results

Alamo GT results are up and be check out here if you so desire. With this post, I want to breakdown my score for this year, as well as compare it to my performance last year.

This year, I placed 18th, a surge of about 30 spots from last year's more middling finish.

I ended up with a total score of 203, broken down as follows: 64 battle points (out of 100), 61 points in sportsmanship (out of a possible 80, but highest sportsmanship this year was 72), 68 in paint (out of a possible 80, but highest paint score this year was 76), 10 "seguin" points for turning in my army list on time and making it to all of my games on time, and no fluffy votes. I want to take a closer look at each category and see how I ended up with each score.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Quick Update

The Alamo GT has passed once again. Although results are not up on the website yet, and although I have yet to upload all of the pictures I took from this weekend, I did not want to wait a week before I got my individual results post up.

I did not win any awards this year, but improved my overall score significantly and ended up in the top twenty. I think that had a few things gone differently I would have been in the top ten (I missed a lot of objective points), but there is nothing to be done about that now.

I took a lot of notes and lots of pictures and will be doing full write-ups of games 1, 4 and 5. I am going to do short write-ups of games 2 and 3 for a few reasons: (1) I didn't take as many notes and pictures as I did for the other games; (2) these games involved lots of drinking; (3) none of these games made it passed turn 4 (a big issue that I will explain in another post); and (4) they were just not as interesting to me tactically, or as pleasurable of games, that I want to spend significant time on write-ups.

I plan to have a full tournament breakdown done as soon as the results are online, including showing where I progressed from last year. I also plan to have a full write-up for Round 1 finished and posted by the end of next week with the other two write-ups the following weeks.

It is also the time for WaaaghPaca practice so I will be updating my army list design progress as well as my painting and modelling progress for the tournament over the next several weeks. Expect several updates per week until that time.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Alamo GT 2013: Army List

Here is my official army list for the 2013 Alamo GT taking place in San Antonio, Texas. After finding out that I get to use the old Dark Elf army book for one last time, I decided to play something disgusting and ridiculous. I expect to play all the worst army lists at the tournament, including I am sure, several ugly Daemon armies and Empire all cavalry builds. I expect to lose gloriously, drink profusely, mock the attendees indiscriminately, and above all, have a great time. When I get back, don't be expecting any posts about me winning any awards. It's just not going to happen this year with how much of a rock-paper-scissors this list is, and how low I expect to be comped for the first couple rounds. This is the list I devised and turned in to tournament personnel, it is similar to the list I took to Quake this year, but with the changes I wanted to make after losing two games:

Books #5

As I am at the Alamo GT right now, enjoy a pre-uploaded blog.

So as usually happens to me, I get busy at work and life and don't have that much time to paint and game. But I gain lots of random time (about 20 minute spurts) to read. This allows me to read much more than I normally do. As such, I have already finished a ton of other books since the last time I updated the reading portion of this blog. Here are the most recent finished books:
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