Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Broadside Bash 2014: Army List

For the Broadside Bash, on April 26-27, 2014, in San Diego, CA, I will be playing 2500 points of Dark Elves. This is what I will be bringing to fight all the other filthy armies at the tournament:

Dreadlord (549 pts) (General, Heavy Armor, Sea Dragon Cloak, Sword of Anti-Heroes, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation, The Other Trickster's Shard, and mounted on a Black Dragon)
Master (211 pts) (Battle Standard Bearer, Heavy Armor, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Lance, Cloak of Twilight, mounted on a Dark Pegasus)
Master (327 pts) (Great Weapon, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Armor of Destiny, mounted on a Manticore with Blind Rage and Scaly Skin)
Dark Riders (150 pts) (6 models, full command, shields, repeater crossbows)
Dark Riders (120 pts) (5 models, musician and standard bearer, shields, repeater crossbows)
Dark Riders (120 pts) (5 models, musician and standard bearer, shields, repeater crossbows)
Dark Riders (120 pts) (5 models, musician and standard bearer, shields, repeater crossbows)
Dark Riders (120 pts) (5 models, musician and standard bearer, shields, repeater crossbows)
War Hydra (180 pts) (Fiery Breath)
War Hydra (180 pts) (Fiery Breath)
Kharibdyss (160 pts)
Doomfire Warlocks (135 pts) (5 models, champion)
Doomfire Warlocks (125 pts) (5 models)

So there is the list. If you are looking at it and thinking that is the same list I brought to the West Coast GT, then you are absolutely correct. Both tournaments were only two weeks apart and army lists were due at the same time. So in order to maximize efficiency, and hopefully learn from my mistakes, I am playing the list at both tournaments and maybe by the end of ten games, I might actually know how to play it properly.

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