This weekend is the West Coast GT 2015! A two-day battle of 70+ Warhammer Fantasy players. This year, all five games have updated scenarios. Let’s take a look at what I will be dealing with.
New for this year is the score breakdown for each game based on the difference in victory points.
- If neither player wins by 200 points, then it is a tie and both players get 10 points
- If you win by 200 points to 399 points, it’s a 11/9 split
- Win by 400 points to 500 points, 12/8
- Win by 600 to 799, 13/7
- Win by 800 to 999, 14/6
- Win by 1000 to 1199, 15/5
- Win by more than 1200, 16/4
Round #1: Mad Mickey’s Revenge
“Quarterly profits are down in the Magical Kingdom and Mickey is pissed! Overhead is high and Mickey is looking to downsize. What you may not know about this loveable mouse is that he often moonlights as a gypsy bare-knuckle boxing champion -- which makes him hit harder than a coffin nail. This is a co-op mission to take the mouse down before he dismantles your army! Use your enemy to distract Mickey while you hit him where it hurts!”
Deployment as per “Blood and Glory” (pg. 148 of the Warhammer Rulebook)
First Turn is determined by a single die roll off. The player that finished deploying first adds +1 to his roll. The game lasts for six turns or until time is called.
Mickey Mouse
(M) 2d6 (WS) 6 (BS) 6 (S) 6 (T) 5 (W) 7 (I) 6 (A) - (LD) 10
Special Rules:
- Magical Conduit: Any Spell targeting Mickey cannot be dispelled! Any spell that uses a template to target Mickey will hit Mickey directly and will not scatter. Any spell effect that scatters onto Mickey will deviate to the center of Mickey’s base instead. All spell effects that hit Mickey will affect Mickey and Mickey alone.
- Mickey does not block LoS or impede movement in any way.
- During the ‘Compulsory Move’ phase each opponent can take turns controlling Mickey. First: Pivot Mickey towards the direction you want him to go and move him 2d6 in that direction. Mickey will never elect to pass through a unit on his own and will always stop 1 inch away from any unit or impassable terrain he comes in contact with. Second: Once Mickey is finished moving, he can immediately make a range attack. Choose a unit inside Mickey’s forward arc and within 8” of Mickey. Mickey’s Wail always hits on a 4+ and does D6+1 Strength 6 hits to the unit distributed like shooting.
- All wounds generated by Mickey are considered to be magical. He lives inside the Magical Kingdom after all.
- Wounding Mickey: During the magic phase and the shooting phase roll to hit and wound as normal with following exceptions: Any ‘Multiple-Wound’ effects are halved (rounded down) when wounding Mickey. Anytime Mickey would fail a characteristic test that would remove him from the table, have Mickey take D3 wounds instead. Mickey cannot be wounded during the Combat phase but can be hit during the Movement phase by any unit that has a character or champion carrying the ‘Club of the Baby Seal’.
- Any unit that elects to pass through Mickey will take one wound + the number of Mickey’s remaining wounds with no armor saves allowed. Yes, Mickey is a beast! If a unit stops on top of Mickey for any reason, that unit will not suffer any additional damage. Simply replace Mickey 1 inch behind the unit facing the same direction Mickey was facing prior to being relocated.
- It is a Small World After All: It takes a big man to take down a beloved icon. All Lords, Heroes, and Champions are armed with the ‘Club of the Baby Seal’ in addition to all their other war equipment. The ‘Club of the Baby Seal’ allows each model that is equipped with it to do an automatic wound to Mickey any time their unit moves through Mickey. Mickey has no saves of any kind against wounds generated by the ‘Club of the Baby Seal’.
- Mickey don’t take no shit penalty: No Bonus Battle points are awarded to either player if Mickey is alive at the end of the game. Disney collects those points and adds them to their quarterly profit margin. Welcome to Disneyland!
Bonus Objectives:
- Heroes of the Republic: Each Player receives +1 Battle point if Mickey is dead at the end of the game.
- Ain’t Nothing But a Flesh Wound: +1 Battle point to each player who suffered a wound from Mickey during the game.
- Verminator: +1 Battle point to the player that put the most wounds on Mickey.
- Souvenirs: +1 Battle point to the player that has the most banners at the end of the game. Counting all banners and Battle Standards you control plus all the banners and Battle Standards you collected during the battle in the Magical Kingdom.
Round #2: The Real Housewives of the OC
“Your jaunt through the ‘Magical Kingdom’ has taken a toll financially. Although you think that you and your mates are looking quite dashing in your newly acquired mouse ears, you are starting to learn that the expense was far too great. But you are in luck! Newport is right around the corner! There you quickly find a finely shaped Socialite with an axe to grind. Only problem is, your opponent found one too. Apparently these two socialites have been squaring off for years, so the cat fight is on! Welcome to the “Real” Orange County."Deployment is per ‘Meeting Engagement’ (p.149). After deployment, each opponent reveals to one another which model in their army is carrying their most expensive magic item. Then the player that set up second rolls a dice. On a roll of 6 they can choose who has the first
turn. On a roll of 1-5 the player that set up first chooses who has the first turn.
OC Houswife
(M) 6 (WS) 5 (BS) 5 (S) 5 (T) 4 (W) 3 (I) 5 (A) 3 (LD) 8
Special Rules:
- Killing Blow
- Regeneration
- OC Housewives are Characters that may join any unit classified as an Infantry unit or a Monstrous Infantry unit. Each Housewife will also inherit any special break test mechanic of the unit that they join (i.e. Demonic Instability, Unstable, Stubborn, etc.)
- Nobody puts baby in the corner!: OC Housewives must be placed in the front rank of any unit that they join. They simply will not accept being placed behind someone else.
- Her Ring Is Bigger Than Mine!: OC Housewives hate any magical heirlooms that they can’t have. Each OC Housewife has a wedding ring that has the ability to destroy a single magic item on a Bound 6. Wedding Rings are bound items that have the ‘One Use Only’ special rule. To use this ability, choose a model within 18” of your Housewife during the magic phase. Roll as normal. If the bound spell is cast successfully, the target model must reveal all the magic items that are equipped on the model. Destroy the most expensive item. This bound spell is treated as a HEX spell. Wedding rings are bound items that cannot be destroyed by anything other than a miscast. Diamonds are forever!
- **Harpy Hunting Award**: 200 additional victory points are awarded if the enemy’s OC Housewife is dead or fleeing at the end of the game.
- Price Is No Object: +1 Battle point if the Enemy’s most expensive unit is dead or fleeing at the end of the game.
- Family Heirlooms: +1 Battle Point if you destroyed your opponent’s most expensive magic item
- Priceless Artifacts: +1 Battle Point if you destroyed all your opponent’s Rare Units (you get this point if they have no Rare Units)
- Location, Location, Location!: +1 Battle point if you control more table quarters then your opponent. Only units that contain a Standard, the armies Battle Standard Bearer, the Army’s General, or a Housewife may claim or contest a table quarter.
Round #3: Beach Blanket Bingo
This is an objective based scenario and does not use victory points. For this scenario, there are three ‘Beach Blankets’ (Red, White, or Blue) located in the middle of the table (24" from the long table edge and 18" from the short table edge and each other blanket). The blankets are 3" by 5". At the beginning of the game, before deployment, secretly nominate one beach blanket you wish to control. Write down which blanket you wish to control (Red, White, or Blue) on a slip of paper and fold it, so that your opponent cannot tell which blanket you selected. Save the slip of paper and reveal it to your opponent at the end of the game.
Any Unit that generates Fortitude or that has a command model may claim or contest a beach
blanket. A Unit must be touching a blanket to claim or contest it at the end of the game. Blankets do not impede movement or block line of sight. A Unit may entirely cover a blanket, in which case it may keep an opposing Unit from touching it (i.e. from contesting it).
Each army is assigned a ‘Beach Bunny.’ Beach Bunnies spread cheer and increase morale wherever they go. Choose a unit at the start of game for your Beach Bunny to join. That unit generates +1 Fortitude for each full rank. (Max 3) Beach Bunnies will only leave the army if the unit that they joined is destroyed or is fleeing at the end of the game. Beach Bunnies are markers that are placed an inch behind the unit that they join. They will follow the unit wherever the unit may go. They cannot leave or join any unit besides the unit they begin the game with. Beach Bunnies do not impede movement or LOS in any way.
Scoring is calculated as follows. For each ‘Beach Blanket’ determine if that blanket is contested or uncontested. For each contested blanket, you receive 1 point (both you and your opponent). If your nominated blanket was contested you receive 2 points (while your opponent only receives 1 point). For each uncontested blanket, you receive 2 points, or 4 points if it was your nominated blanket. If you beach bunny is alive and on a blanket at the end of the game, you receive a bonus 3 points. Add up your total points and compare that to your opponents points. The difference between your points determines your battle score:
“After two hard fought battles, you and your boys are looking for some rest and relaxation. After reviewing your maps, you are happy to learn that the California coast is very near. It is rumored that the most beautiful girls in the world call this land their home. Excited by this proposition, you and your boys double time it towards the Pacific! You reach the coast in time to find the beach completely packed and the best babe watching locations are quickly being taken over. You and your boys are going to have to move quick if you hope to find a spot on the sand. Pick a beach blanket and hold your spot on the beach!”Deployment as per ‘Battleline’ (p.144)
This is an objective based scenario and does not use victory points. For this scenario, there are three ‘Beach Blankets’ (Red, White, or Blue) located in the middle of the table (24" from the long table edge and 18" from the short table edge and each other blanket). The blankets are 3" by 5". At the beginning of the game, before deployment, secretly nominate one beach blanket you wish to control. Write down which blanket you wish to control (Red, White, or Blue) on a slip of paper and fold it, so that your opponent cannot tell which blanket you selected. Save the slip of paper and reveal it to your opponent at the end of the game.
Any Unit that generates Fortitude or that has a command model may claim or contest a beach
blanket. A Unit must be touching a blanket to claim or contest it at the end of the game. Blankets do not impede movement or block line of sight. A Unit may entirely cover a blanket, in which case it may keep an opposing Unit from touching it (i.e. from contesting it).
Each army is assigned a ‘Beach Bunny.’ Beach Bunnies spread cheer and increase morale wherever they go. Choose a unit at the start of game for your Beach Bunny to join. That unit generates +1 Fortitude for each full rank. (Max 3) Beach Bunnies will only leave the army if the unit that they joined is destroyed or is fleeing at the end of the game. Beach Bunnies are markers that are placed an inch behind the unit that they join. They will follow the unit wherever the unit may go. They cannot leave or join any unit besides the unit they begin the game with. Beach Bunnies do not impede movement or LOS in any way.
Scoring is calculated as follows. For each ‘Beach Blanket’ determine if that blanket is contested or uncontested. For each contested blanket, you receive 1 point (both you and your opponent). If your nominated blanket was contested you receive 2 points (while your opponent only receives 1 point). For each uncontested blanket, you receive 2 points, or 4 points if it was your nominated blanket. If you beach bunny is alive and on a blanket at the end of the game, you receive a bonus 3 points. Add up your total points and compare that to your opponents points. The difference between your points determines your battle score:
- -3 or less = 4 battle points
- -2 = 6 battle points
- -1 = 8 battle points
- 0 = 10 battle points
- +1 = 12 battle points
- +2 = 14 battle points
- +3 or more = 16 battle points
- King of the Beach!: +1 Bonus Battle Point if the Enemy General is Dead or fleeing at the end of the game.
- Wipe Out!: +1 Bonus Battle Point if your opponent’s Battle Standard Bearer is dead or fleeing at the end of the game. (Automatic point if your opponent did not field one)
- Point Break!: +2 Bonus Battle Points if your opponent reached their Breaking Point before you.
Round #4: Feeling Froggy?
“After a long night of partying and bowling you awake in a place that is unfamiliar to you. You try to recall the events of the night before, but the details of last night’s debauchery are lost to you. Good news! Whatever happens at the West Coast GT, stays at the West Coast GT. Bad News! The beach bunny that accompanied you the night before has now been replaced by a Hag. With no desire to fight your next battle as a frog or flying monkey you decide it is best not to incur the Witch’s wrath. Instead you assign her a honor guard and point her towards your enemies.”Deployment as per ‘Batteline’ (pg. 144).
Roll off after Deployment to see which player receives the first turn. The player that finished deploying his army first adds +1 to his roll.
Special Rules:
- Boil, Boil, Toil and Trouble: A Wicked Witch has joined your army. Select any unit that has a command model and place a Witch marker 1 inch behind the unit. Witch markers do not impede movement or LOS. Witches are equipped with a Sivejir's Hex Scroll. They may employ the hex scroll against any model that casts a spell that targets the Witch’s unit or directs a spell towards the Witch’s unit. See the Arcane magic item section in the BRB for rules on Sivejir's Hex Scroll.
- Ding Dong, The Wicked Witch is Dead!: 200 additional victory points are awarded your enemy’s Witch’s Unit is destroyed or fleeing at the end of the game.
- We’re Not in Kansas Anymore!: +1 Battle point if your Witch’s Unit is in the enemy’s deployment zone at the end of the game.
- It Is Not Easy Being Green: +1 Battle Point if you successfully cast a spell on the enemy’s Witch’s Unit.
- Good Old Fashion Witch Hunt: +1 Battle Point if you killed an enemy spell caster (the battle point is scored if you kill a wizard or an entire unit capable of channeling dice like Warlocks, Horrors, Warrior Priests and/or Runepriests)
- Black Magic Women: +1 Battle point if you have more combined spell caster levels alive at the end of the game then your opponent.
Round #5: Californication
“At last, you have made it to the Center Stage of the West Coast Gt. All of the West Coast podcast elite have showed up to bear witness to your epic climb to the top. It is time to give them the performance of a lifetime. Do not tremble or shake before the eyes of the podcast Gods. They only reward the strongest and bravest of warriors. You must walk out onto the Center Stage, show that you are worthy, and win the favor of the podcast Gods, before you are able to claim the West Coast GT trophy as your own. May the Gods be with you!”
Deployment per ‘Battleline’ (p.144)
In the center of the board is ‘Center Stage.’ ‘Center Stage’ is a 11" by 17" stage where no terrain may be placed.
Special Rules:
- Generals on the ‘Center Stage’ may call down the favor of the podcast gods once per turn. Generals positioned on the ‘Center Stage’ cannot decline any challenges.
- During your turn you may do one of the following: (1) It’s Hammer Time!!!: At the start of your combat phase, you may yell out “It’s Hammer Time”. If you do, the Hammertime Gods will reward your General with an extra attack. Your general must be on the ‘Center Stage’ to gain this attack; or (2) Rage Quit!!!: At the start of your magic phase, you may yell out “Rage Quit”. If you do, the Gods of Rage Quit Gaming will reward your hobbyist lifestyle with an extra power dice. Note, you still cannot exceed 12 power dice. Your army’s General must be on the ‘Center Stage’ to gain this power dice.
- Entourage: Every Hero and Champion in this scenario has the Heroic Killing Blow special rule on any close combat attack directed at the enemy’s General. (Exclude any special attacks such as Stomps, Breath Weapons, Impact Hits, etc.)
Bonus Objectives:
- 15 Minutes of Fame: +1 Battle point if your General is alive and on the ‘Center Stage’ at the end of the game.
- Entourage: +1 Battle point if you control more Heroes and Champions then your opponent at the end of the game.
- Best on Stage: +2 Battle points if the enemy’s General is dead at the end of the game.
- **Tales of Woe Rage Quit Moment**: The losing player may gain 1 extra battle point if they entertain the podcast Gods with their Rage Quit Moment. To gain this point you must write at least 2 full sentences.
And there you have it; all five scenarios that I will be playing this weekend. Let's see how it all goes.
Good luck!!!