Spellweaver - (350 pts) (Level 4, Lore of Heavens, Dispel Scroll, Talisman of Preservation, and riding a Unicorn)
Glade Captain - (158 pts) (Battle Standard Bearer, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Hail of Doom Arrow, Shield, Great Weapon, Starfire Shafts, Elven Steed)
Waystalker - (115 pts) (Bow of Loren, Ironcurse Icon)
Waystalker - (115 pts) (Ruby Ring of Ruin)
Waystalker - (90 pts)
Glade Riders - (140 pts) (5 models, full command, Hagbane Tips)
Glade Riders - (250 pts) (10 models, full command, Hagbane Tips)
Glade Riders - (250 pts) (10 models, full command, Hagbane Tips)
Deepwood Scouts - (190 pts) (10 models, full command, Hagbane Tips)
Deepwood Scouts - (190 pts) (10 models, full command, Hagbane Tips)
Deepwood Scouts - (224 pts) (12 models, full command, Starfire Shafts)
Waywatchers - (210 pts) (10 models, champion)
Waywatchers - (210 pts) (10 models, champion)
The first thing that you might notice from this list is that there is only a single normal deployment drop: the two mounted characters. I was playing around with the no-drop list, but in an un-comped environment, I find that I need some magic offense and defense with Wood Elves and a Level 4 of High Magic on a Unicorn really fits that bill. With the 4+ ward save and Magic Resistance 2, it is really hard to kill the Level 4 and all the bonus tokens generated from High Magic also helps keep the Battle Standard Bearer alive throughout the game as the two characters can form a unit together that spends the first several turns hiding until enemy warmachines and shooting are removed from play. In fact, over the course of five games, I never lost either model.
The three Waystalkers are a lot of fun and are absolutely clutch to pick characters (especially low level wizards and 1+ armor save BSBs from large units of troops). The waywatchers help drop heavy armor. The mass amount of poisoned shots help take out monsters, chariots, and warmachines while the flaming attacks help take down regenerating units. The army is pretty straightforward in how it plays. The scouting units set up to take on the weakest flank or where they can score quick and easy points while not giving up their own points. Then the Glade Riders show up after my opponent's battle line has been pulled apart.
I really wished I would have play tested this list before submitting it as I feel I could have performed better than I did, but the list itself is a very solid list and is frustrating for opponents to play against which is something I have always looked for after playing against so many all chariot, flying monster armies.
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