The Pool Choice system is an army composition system in which each warscroll is given a value of pool points for that warscroll and each warscroll has a set number of models per scroll. Thus, when given a set "pool" value for the game, say like 20 pool choices, you can create a more balanced list as the more powerful warscrolls take up a higher number of pool choices.
For example, let's build a 20 pool Wood Elf list from the system. In the Wood Elf list, a warscroll of Glade Guard is set at ten models per unit and costs 1.5 pool choices. So a solid base of 20 Glade Guard, either in two separate units or a single unit of 20, is 3 pool choices. In comparison, a Treeman warscroll is a single model per warscroll and takes up a similar 3 pool choices. Thus, under the system, 20 Glade Guard are the equivalent of a single Treeman.
So, a realistic 20 pool Wood Elf list would look something like this:
- Spellweaver (1.5 pool points)
- Glade Captain Battle Standard Bearer (1 pool points)
- Treeman Ancient (3.5 pool points)
- Wild Riders (2 pool points - 10 models)
- Wild Riders (2 pool points - 10 models)
- Waywatchers (3 pool points - 15 models)
- Waywatchers (3 pool points - 15 models)
- Glade Guard (1.5 pool points)
- Glade Guard (1.5 pool points)
- Sylvaneth Wyldwood (1 pool point)
I know that attempting to discern the quality of this army composition system is difficult without context. So over the next few days I'll break down a couple of different tournament composition systems that use the Independent Pool Choice composition.
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