Day 2:
"Dear Pipboy,
Sleep was just what I needed. Apparently, sleeping heals all of my wounds. Even if its just for an hour. The future is amazing! And I predict that I will become invincible and rule over the Wasteland in a short time.
I headed South towards the town that damn annoying robot kept talking about. Along the way I found an old gas station. I remember this place. It was where old Mr. Johnson would always try and up-sell me on special gasoline for my car. He's obviously dead now and this place has fallen into serious ruin. There is a workshop here that I can use to build things, but building seems unnecessarily difficult and there is no one around to explain what the hell I should be doing with my life.
I also met a DOG! A normal, nice, happy, go-lucky dog. Fed him some random bits of meat that I found while wandering and he has now decided that we are friends. I have named him Dogmeat because that seems to make the most sense based on our current relationship. It's nice having a companion and something to pet. Replaces my need for Seamus.
I found a note while searching around about a secret under the gas station. Walking around I found a cave filled with MORE GIANT FUCKING CREATURES. Seriously future world. What the fuck happened? Has nuclear radiation permeated so much of the land that all creatures great and small have mutated into horrible monsters with a taste for human flesh?
Out of bullets so I had to beat each mole rats head in. It was not pretty and I am once again covered in scratches and bite marks. I also felt pretty woozy. Thank god for that random sleeping bag. Healed me right up.
Spent too much time trying to scavenge every last piece of metal and junk I could find in the hopes that I might be able to build a door for my house sometime in the future. It's already getting dark again. I have a flashlight though, so I am going to continue on in my adventure. Hopefully no one or no thing will notice the only light in the Wasteland as I try not to stumble over rocks."Day 3:
"Dear Pipboy,
I would say that today was an eventful day, but that would be an understatement. Entered Concord and I actually met other humans! Though these assholes immediately tried to kill me. Apparently, if you see another human being running around the Wasteland and the person is wearing metal spikes instead of clothes they ARE NOT to be trusted.
Spent several minutes running around and hiding in various buildings until I scrounged up some extra ammo. Then it was on! I shot a full half dozen of these crazy naked folks that were all converging on an old dilapidated historical building in the middle of town. Dogmeat also got in on the action. This boy is angry and can cause some serious damage. I am glad I found him first and had some spare meat. Don't think I would have wanted to fight him.
Heard voices from inside the building the raiders were trying to get into, so I think there might be more people around. Couldn't decide whether to see if these were normal people or more crazed lunatics. Decided to search around the rest of town first.
Man, was spending the day searching through everything worth it. I plundered the few bits of clothes and armor from the crazies and though I look like someone from a bad music video - side note: do they still have music videos now? Or even music, as I can't get my damn radio to work. - I feel much more protected than wearing a simple one-piece suit like a lazy lab technician.
My trashbag full of tin cans got to full and started to tear so I started back to my house to drop all this probably lifesaving equipment back at my house. Apparently I can warp from place to place now as I don't remember running back to my house. So getting around the Wasteland is going to be much easier. Time seems to pass though, as the sun was in a different place when I arrived home. But at least my legs and body doesn't feel tired from hours of walking. I'm getting into this future thing. Time for another nap."Day 4:
"Dear Pipboy,
Today I went back to that building in Concord. Used my warp travel to get there. It was awesome. I felt like no time had passed. The building is called the Museum of Freedom. When I entered it there were more of those crazy raider guys running around. Thankfully, I had scavenged a shotgun and between my new big-boom and Dogmeat's fangs, the raiders were killed off quickly.
This museum is crazy. There are old mannequins dressed up form the Revolutionary War in here. How did I not come here when I was a kid on some school trip? I'm sure the old school system ate this kind of kitschy shit up. I wonder if any kids still come here on school trips? Probably not with the raiders and all. But it does make me wonder if there are even schools or a government out there right now. Haven't found anything close yet. Not even a police officer or some basic government employee like a mailman.
Apparently there were people living in the museum. That is what the raiders were after. One of the people (who was obviously their leader based solely by the size of his hat) told me they were refugees from another city and were looking for a nice place to settle. These people seem cool. None of them look like they want to start shooting me and they have plenty of food and supplies that I could use. Told them to head to my neighborhood and take a couple of the other houses (not mine though) for themselves.
Before they could leave, however, I had to perform some "quest" for them. They needed me to go get a set of FREAKING POWER ARMOR from off the roof and use it to kill all the new raiders that were swarming the building. Really! It was ridiculous. I mean, they had weapons. Why couldn't they go fight the raiders. Especially after I just offered them a place to live. It was very insensitive of them. Just because I killed the dozen raiders inside the building doesn't mean I have the time or desire to go kill all the raiders between here and my house. I mean, I still have Seamus to go find and what not.
Anyways, I went on their "quest" because FREAKING POWER ARMOR. It was easy. A quick trip to the basement to break into a computer with my new hacking skills and then an even quicker trip to the roof where I found not only a set of power armor but a fully loaded Minigun. Which was awesome, because I was running out of bullets for my other guns. Let those damn raiders try and stop me with this thing. Tomorrow I head back into Concord for a skeet shoot. I can't wait!"