Project #1: Glade Riders
The first project I worked on was finishing up some final highlighting on one of my units of Glade Riders. I am not the best painter, so I never get the master-class paint points (or awards), but I do notice certain techniques or painting choices can gain me an extra point or two at each tournament. For this unit I went back and slightly edge highlighted the quivers on the models' backs, repainted the gems on the models' spears, 'ardcoated both areas to give the model a little more sheen, and painted one of the arrow fletchings a different color so that the archer knows which way to nock the arrow before he fires. I am hoping these little additional details really push the army's paint score up a few more points.
Project #2: Dryads
As I stated in my last post, my current army design for WaaghPaca! - now only three weeks away - was to paint 4 units of 8 dryads, 32 in all. Well, after two furious days of painting I managed to completely finish two more Dryads, including bases, bringing my grand total of finished Dryads to 3 out of 32. But I also managed to put some paint on at least ten more Dryad models so I have several more that should be easily finished this coming weekend as well. Here are the two newest Dryads added to my collection:
Dryad #2
Dryad #3
Project #3: Xmas Model Exchange
This year I am participating in a Christmas model exchange through, the Wood Elves website and forum. As part of the exchange you are given a person to paint a model for and when you are finished you send it to that person. At the same time another person is painting a model for you. Its a neat way to paint something you wouldn't normally paint while getting a model in return. For my project, I chose a Pegasus Knight as I thought it would be a fun model to paint for someone wanting to start a Brettonian army.
The first thing I worked on, and finished, was the base. As I am really into fall colors right now I went with a fall theme for the base, but because Brettonia has many mountainous areas, I gave it a more sparse feel than with the Wood Elves.
Next, I started putting base colors on the Pegasus. As I haven't quite decided on the look that I want it to have yet, I just base coated the horse flesh Dryad Bark and gave it a quick wash.
I need to go through some pictures this weekend to figure out how I want the wings to look, but for the flesh I think I am just going to highlight it slightly and keep it as a darker brown flesh tone.
Finally, I got started on the rider portion of the model.
I first started with a brass color on the under-armor portion of the model which I will be highlighting up a little bit more.
Next was to base paint the larger areas of the model. I painted all the outer armor plates Boltgun Metal and all the fabric Scab Red. I then used Desert Yellow on the belt.
After the model was base painted, I washed the entire model in Devlin Mud wash to give it a dirty, but not greasy feeling. I prefer Devlin Mud over a black wash specifically for this reason.

I also started working on the fabric following the same process that I have been using for my Elves; Scab Red followed by Blood Red followed by a red-orange mix.

I have a lot more work to do on the model, but I have until the end of February to have it shipped out, so I know that I will be able to finish it in time and have it look great. I hope the person I am sending it to likes it.