Thursday, March 14, 2013

This Past Weekend: March 10, 2013

This past weekend I attended the West Coast GT and had an absolute blast. I got to meet some really nice players, hang out with a bunch of tournament friends that I travel with, and drunkenly shout into the West Coast Hammertime podcast. I also got to play 5 games of relaxed Warhammer. What a great way to spend a weekend!

I will be doing my standard full tournament wrap-up next week (need to finish a few things at work and around the house first) so keep checking in. I will also be getting back to finishing my battle reports from WaaaghPaca and then starting the battle reports for both the BAO 2013 and the West Coast GT. So there will be lots of upcoming content.

On a side note, West Coast Warhammer just pushed past 11,000 hits since October. That is amazing. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my battle reports or comments on the posts. Community feedback is awesome and you guys all rock!

Warhammer wise, I will be very busy for the next several months. Besides updating this blog with all the normal posts, I will be doing a couple of nice army profiles in the coming months. I will also be traveling to the Broadside Bash the first weekend of April, SAWS the third weekend of May, and then the Quake City Rumble the second weekend of July. *For those keeping count that will be six travelling tournaments in the first half of the year - not too shabby.

I am also working on my new army, an all Night Goblin and Squig force; painting a Savage Orc Big Boss for a painting competition; putting together a 2500 pt Dwarf list for an upcoming tournament; and just generally trying to paint the rest of my Wood Elves (or at the very least most of them).

Finally, I have been catching up on some missed podcasts. If you haven't heard either of the new episodes of Point Hammered or West Coast Hammertime, check them out. Especially check out the West Coast Hammertime episode if you are going to the Broadside Bash.

Until next time, have a great St. Patrick's Day!


  1. Hey Justin,

    Thanks for giving me something more interesting to read than data fields at work. Keep up the great content!


    1. Now that life is a little bit less daunting (March is the hardest work month and the Spring house stuff) I plan on putting much more energy into this blog again. Finishing up more battle reports, and working more on hobby and strategy posts. That way there will be more for you to read while at work.


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