Thursday, July 18, 2013

Quake City Rumble 2013: Results

And with a final throw of dice, QCR 2013 ended. I had a great time at the tournament seeing lots people I don't see to often, like John Bailey who runs the Alamo GT, and the guys who run the Rage Quit Gaming podcast. I also got to play five games of Warhammer, which is a pretty good way to spend the weekend.

The results are up and the winners were:

Best Overall: Mike "Colonel" Sanders (1st); Rex Olivera (2nd); and Dave Inman (3rd)
Best General: Josh Stuart (1st); Joseph Urban (2nd); and Taylor Shiells (3rd)
Best Army: Ryan Smith (1st); Quentin Bohn (2nd); and Larry DeTomosi (3rd)
Best Sports: Steve Castro (1st); Austin Morgan (2nd); and Mark Cox (3rd)
Best Painted: Chris Watson (1st); Tom Van Dyke (2nd); and Tony Pacheco (3rd)
Snake Eyes: Sean Shannon

I place 41st in all out of over 100 players. I ended up going 3 and 2, with decent battle points, but lost a lot of places because of army composition. I think I could have changed a few things without giving up my wins and walked away with 10 more points overall, which would have brought me into the top 15. Or, I could have won another game and placed in the top ten. My scores for the tournament were:

Judge Comp: 3.5 (out of 15) (And yes, I brought a hard as nails and cheap trick Dark Elf army)
Player Comp: 5 (out of 15) (which meant I got an average of 1 from each of my opponents)
Battle Points: 79 (out of 100) (this was my highest battle point score at QCR yet)
Sportsmanship: 30 (out of 30) with one favorite opponent vote for a final score of 32
Paint: 22 (out of 33) (go display board of doom!)

Looking at my scores, I am fairly happy with how they turned out. I brought a very tough list - which made me play also hard lists - but did fairly well with it. I managed to grab a few bonus objective points even with my losses. I got a perfect base Sportsmanship score which is always nice to see and I got the highest paint score I have ever received. Now, I just have a lot more work to do for next year.

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