Friday, March 27, 2015

U.S. Warhammer Fantasy Masters 2015: Army List

So the Masters was over a month ago, but I never got around to posting my list. Going into the tournament, as it was a true Swedish tournament (where you get the difference between the army composition score in bonus victory points) I wanted to come in as high as I possible could. With that thought in mind, I built a Wood Elf list that came in at a maximum 14. Here is what I came up with:

Spellweaver [335 pts] [-31 comp] (General, Level 4, Lore of Heavens, Siverjir's Hex Scroll, Talisman of Preservation, Elven Steed)

Glade Captain [156 pts] [-17 comp] (Battle Standard Bearer, Asrai Spear, Starfire Shafts, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Hail of Doom Arrow, Elven Steed)

Spellsinger [130 pts] [-12 comp] (Level 1, Lore of Metal, Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring of Ruin)
Branchwraith [-75 pts] [-5 comp] (Level 1, Lore of Life)
Branchwraith [-75 pts] [-5 comp] (Level 1, Lore of Life)
Branchwraith [-75 pts] [-5 comp] (Level 1, Lore of Life)

Glade Guard [-225 pts] [-8 comp] (unit of 13 with Trueflight Arrows, full command)
Glade Guard [-220 pts] [-8 comp] (unit of 12 with Hagbane Tips, full command)
Glade Guard [-212 pts] [-6 comp] (unit of 12 with Starfire Shafts, musician, standard bearer)

Deepwood Scouts [190 pts] [-6 comp] (unit of 10 with Starfire Shafts, musician, standard bearer)
Deepwood Scouts [156 pts] [-4 comp] (unit of 8 with Starfire Shafts, musician, standard bearer)
Wild Riders [178 pts] [-9 comp] (unit of 6 with shields, standard bearer)
Wild Riders [178 pts] [-12 comp] (unit of 6 with shields, standard bearer)
Sisters of the Thorn [-253 pts] [-25 comp] (unit of 8, full command, Lichebone Pennant)

Great Eagle [50 pts] [-5 comp]

There is the army in all its mediocre glory. I am working on a post about my masters games, but I can state, without any doubt, that this army under performed and that with a little play testing I could have come up with something better roughly for the same composition score. In fact, I did with the list that I am taking to the West Coast GT (which comps a solid 14.2, but still manages to have some Waywatchers in the list).

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