So I am back from Waaagh!Paca 2015 which happened just a little over a month ago. Right after I got back I put all these pictures on my computer, but just never managed to take the extra step of posting them on the blog as things were busy. But, as things have calmed down a little, I thought it was time to show off a large number of the armies from this year's tournament. [Note: This is a picture heavy post.]
First up is Dennis Gunia's "Chatic Steam" army. A steam-punk based army built mostly from Warmachine models and painted in a neon/metal style. I really liked the look of the geared display board as well, even though it was a print out and not painted or textured.
The whole army on display board. |
Chaos Chariot |
Skullcrushers |
Monstrous infantry of some sort. |
A sweet looking monster with motorized saw blade. |
Next up is Chris Tomlin's High Elf army entitled "Size Doesn't Matter". This army is based on non-GW figures as well (I think they are mantic) and show more slender elves. Chris has focused on exceptional detail with these models and has freehand painted banners and shields across the entire army.
That is one tiny dragon and two tiny phoenixes. Almost looks like they can just be squished by single orc. |
Hand painted shields adorn every model and on such a small scale they are very striking. |
The smallest dragon in the Warhammer world. No bigger than standard eagle. |
Third on the army list - and these armies are in no real particular order than the order they were updated to my computer - is Eric Hagen's "Hunger Wood" Vampire Counts army. This army has a lot of pastels and grey coloration which always works with an undead army.
A surprisingly small army for 2000 pts, model counts wise. |
Wolves with a grey to spectral color scheme. The bright red eyes aren't as visible in this picture, but they are there. |
A huge horde of ghouls ready to feast. Each of these guys also had bright red eyes. |
Flying vampires in hideous form. |
I like the worn look on the Vampiress' cloak. Makes it seem very old. |
Another vampire army I enjoyed was Dylan Seifert's "Unsterbleich" although he was running it as a full Undead Legions list for all the army bonuses.
He also had one very long, rather than wide, display board. |
Hex wraiths! |
Dire wolves. I want to know which dude's job it was to dye their remaining fur. |
Line highlighted Spirit Hosts make for a great little model. |
Terrorgheist. I like the light blue wings. It makes it almost look like ice or water holding the monster aloft. |
Knight bus in a crappy picture. Still, you can see the edge highlighting on the hair and armor pieces. |
From the West Coast group comes Austin Morgan whose Vampire Counts army (is there a theme here) was eye catching for its large models.
So many large, terror filled models to frighten away bad paint scores. |
Hero riding winged nightmare. I didn't even know people still played with these models. |
And a freakin' zombie dragon!!!! |
Then, as I was walking around, I came across this little gem of a goblin army. Unfortunately, it didn't have a name plate and I didn't write anything down about whose army it was. That being said, it is still stunningly beautiful and I am sure somewhere in the Warhammer world knows who this belongs to.
Spiders, brightly colored spiders everywhere! |
General on forest spider. |
Arachnarok with red carapace armor. |
Big blue, the treetop climbing spider. |
Next up is Jon Witthuhn's nurglerific Daemons of Nurgle army. This army really makes your stomach turn in its use of both putrid greens and blood effects.
Who said green can't be sexy? |
Even the nurglings are painted to an extremely high standard. |
Beast toads. I like the pink skin underneath which seems to be stretching and pulsating. |
Plaguebearer block. This unit looks like it could really give you a disease just by touching it. |
Soul grinder has no souls to grind. |
And the mutating Great Daemon himself. I like the flayed skin banner on his gun arm. |
After scanning the corners of the room, I came across this gigantic display board housing Ryan Smith's Warriors of Chaos Army, aptly titled "The Burning of Waupackhiem."
Even his display placard was amazing. |
This board is made of thin wood and depicts an entire town burning under siege by Ryan's warriors. |
One of his many, many monsters. |
A monstrous infantry figure. |
More monsters. I think this one was either a Shaggoth or a Dragon Ogre. |
A unit of burning dogs. |
A mounted chaos lord hanging out in the middle of town ready to hit someone with his flail. |
Dragon!!!! |
And the dragon's little rider with a beautiful magical weapon. The axe really looks possessed. |
A small unit of trolls? Or maybe more Dragon Ogres? |
The sick shield of a Daemon Prince. |
And the DP poking his head out. |
Another hidden monster. Ryan's board had these guys hidden all throughout the buildings and terrain. |
Finally, after shooting pictures all lunch, I came across the last army for this army showcase, Chippy Rick's "Chaotic Corruption" Warriors of Chaos army.
Chippy Rick went with a more muted color scheme which makes the purple and red colors really pop on the models. |
One of many crazy conversion pieces in the army. |
Another conversion. This one has three heads! |
His skullcrushers actually look like they could crush skulls with very minimum effort. |
Not one, but two mutated chariots. |
And a very simple, but nice looking BSB to finish the army off. |
Besides these particular gems that I saw, here are several other good looking or well themed armies that I saw in the main room. Name of painter is posted if I knew whose army it was.
Ryan Nicol's Imrik themed army "Fury of the Crown Prince." This army would win 1st place overall at the tournament. |
Ryan Cox's gigantic (for 2000 pts) Skaven army and its Texas A&M color scheme. |
Michael Hengl's Carnosaur-less Lizardmen army. |
Wayne Berry's Ogre army with the largest gut-star I have seen. |
Ulrican themed empire. Lots of dudes on wolves. |
Karl Franz rides to victory! |
More empire. I just really liked this display board. It was definitely one of the cooler ones at the tournament. |
So many skinks!!!!! |
Chris Yu's nine warmachine army. |
Dan Lindley's Wulfen army. I really love all the old Rackham figures. |
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