Friday, April 29, 2016

Kings of War: Army Construction (V.2)

So I have managed to play a game of Kings of War and have a better handle on how certain things play out and certain units function or should function in a game. So with this limited progress on my part, I wanted to update the army lists that I have for my armies. My first attempts at list for my Ratkin, Elves, and Twilight Kin are available here. These lists are designed solely from models that I already have put together and mostly painted so that I don't need to do a single thing to them before I put them on a table. As I continue progressing in this game and find that certain units are better or worse, then I might get around to putting some new things together or changing base sizes etc.

Here's what I will be playing when I can get some more games in the next few weeks:

Ratkin (1990 pts)
Warriors (Horde with Dwarven Ale) (165 pts)
Warriors (Horde with Brew of Courage) (170 pts)
Warriors (Regiment with Fire-Oil) (95 pts)
Warriors (Regiment with Brew of Haste) (115 pts)
Blight (Horde with Brew of Strength) (235 pts)
Swarm-Crier (Kaba's Holy Hand Grenades) (70 pts)
Swarm-Crier (45 pts)
Warlock (Lightning Bolt (5), Heal (3), Inspiring Talisman) (125 pts)
Warlock (Lightning Bolt (7), Heal (3), Scarletmaw's Fenulian Amulet) (130 pts)
Clawshots (Troop with Jar of Four Winds) (125 pts)
Clawshots (Troop with Brew of Keen-eyeness) (135 pts)
Weapon Team (Storm of Lead) (80 pts)
Weapon Team (Storm of Lead) (80 pts)
Death Engine (Vile Sorcery) (210 pts)
Death Engine (Vile Sorcery) (210 pts)

The two Warriors hordes are going to act as a stable frontage that my opponents will have to push through in order to get to my deep shooting units. I am hoping that the combination of Dwarven Ale and a Brew of Courage (along with Inspiring) should keep them around for one more turn than normal. This allows my other Warriors regiments and Blight horde to swing up one flank and hopefully hit some units in the flank/rear or reach my opponent's deployment zone and take out some war engines or characters hiding in the back.

I'm not sure about my item choices on the other units. I expect Fire-Oil to be really situational, but as it only costs 5 points, I can afford it. Brew of Haste might be better on the Blight horde, but I really wanted a unit that could push up the flank faster than the rest of the army and hopefully hit some small units and begin to turn the flank a turn before my opponent is expecting it. A 7" move per turn should allow that. I think that the Brew of Strength on the Blight horde is worth it as 30 attacks hitting on "4s" with +1 to wound should cause a couple of additional wounds. As the unit is stealthy it will be harder to kill before it reaches combat and with no wavering limit I should be able to get at least two good rounds of combat it before it is destroyed. I just need to make sure that it completely crushes whatever it hits to make up for the unit's expense (at 235 points).

The characters give me three inspiring so I can hold the center with 2 and move 1 up the flank (probably the Hand Grenade guy so he gets in range to use it). I am not sure about spending 15 points on heal for the guy with the amulet as he should always be using Lightning Bolt, in fact, they both should, so after a few play tests I might end up dropping both heals and the Hand Grenade to give me 65 more points to play with. A few minor tweaks and that might be another character with inspiring or another unit. We will see how I feel after I play it a few times.

The shooting troops are to provide me a deep and powerful shooting phase that can hurt my opponent's largest characters, monsters, and most powerful troops. The two units of Clawshots should push through a few wounds on really though characters and monsters making my opponent think twice about rushing them forward into my lines while the weapons teams are just amazing and dropping troops and regiments in a single round of shooting with a decent nerve roll.

Elves (1995 points)
Kindred Archers (Horde with Brew of Keen-eyeness) (295 pts)
Gladestalkers (Troop with Crepognon's Scrying Gem of Zellak) (160 pts)
Gladestalkers (Troop) (130 pts)
Gladestalkers (Troop) (130 pts)
Gladestalkers (Troop) (130 pts)
Forest Shamblers (Horde with Brew of Strength) (220 pts)
Forest Shamblers (Horde with Crystal Pendant of Retribution) (240 pts)
Silverbreeze Cavalry (Fire Oil) (150 pts)
Silverbreeze Cavalry (145 pts)
Elven King (Mounted on horse, with Diadem of Dragon-kind) (170 pts)
Army Standard Bearer (Boomstick) (80 pts)
Elven Mage (Lightning Bolt, Scarletmaw's Fenulian Amulet) (145 pts)

My original elf build had some tree-men in it, but after going through my models I remembered that my old Treeman figures had been stolen a year ago. I had them replaced, but I have not yet put them together so they can't be used in any upcoming games. However, I do have a ton of old Wood Elf Glade Rider models armed with bows so I added them to the army along with some better characters.

This army focuses on having either a strong shooting flank, or flanks, or a strong shooting center held up by the two units of Forest Shambler hordes. I'm not sure about the items on these, especially the brew of strength as I might not get a charge off with these guys. I like the crystal just because I know that the unit will die during the game as my opponent tries to get to the archer horde and need something that can cause some serious wounds on a combat unit.

Basically, this army is designed to drop all the utility units from my opponent's army with shooting and magic to make the army less effective or to focus fire on a single unit a turn and hopefully waver it, if it is a horde, or rout it completely if it is a regiment. This list will take practice as I will need to learn what are the target priorities against certain armies. I just don't have that experience yet.

Twilight Kin (2000 pts)
Blade Dancers (Regiment with Brew of Haste) (215 pts)
Blade Dancers (Regiment with Brew of Strength) (230 pts)
Reaper Guard (Troop with Crepognon's Scrying Gem of Zellak) (135 pts)
Reaper Guard (Troop with Fire Oil) (110 pts)
Gargoyles (Troop with Crystal Pendant of Retribution) (130 pts)
Gargoyles (80 pts)
Crossbowmen (Horde with Brew of Keen-eyeness) (295 pts)
Hydra (140 pts)
Hydra (140 pts)
Bolt Thrower (90 pts)
Bolt Thrower (90 pts)
Dark Lord on Black Dragon (Medallion of Life) (345 pts)

This list is a little bit more fun and combat oriented than my other lists. The combat oriented focus is built around the two units of Blade Dancers backed up by Reaper Guard and Dark Lord on Black Dragon. These five units will move forward and hopefully crush the opposition units quickly. The gargoyles will fly ahead and run blocking, sacrificing themselves for the greater good. The gargoyle bomb unit will run into the most powerful thing of my opponent's and force a counter-charge that will cause even more wounds on the unit.

The crossbow unit and bolt throwers will just take down a few wounds of some units and hopefully push through a few more nerve tests protected by the hydras that can run up a flank or step back and help the bolt throwers.

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