Wednesday, August 31, 2016

West Coast GT 2016: Scenarios

The West Coast GT 2016 is only a little over a week away and this last weekend the Tournament Organizer released the scenarios for the tournament. Each round a different scenario will be played based upon the scenarios listed in the Kings of War rulebook with a little added California flare. Each scenario will be played on a standard 4' by 6' table and contain at least six (6) pieces of varying terrain - including buildings, impassible terrain, hills, and trees - all at predetermined heights which will help alleviate any in-game arguments.

For any scenario that uses victory points, the following chart will be used to determine the amount of battle points that each player gets during the game. This will grant the player a base score from four to sixteen points.
Difference in Victory Points
Victor’s Battle Points
Loser’s Battle Points
0-249 Draw
250-499 Narrow Win/Loss
500-749 Minor Win/Loss
750-999 Solid Win/Loss
1,000- 1,249 Strong Win/Loss
1,250-1,499 Major Win/Loss
1,500+ Crushing Win/Loss

For objective based games, the players will use the guidelines provided in the scenario. In addition to the battle points from the main scenario objective, each scenario offers four bonus objectives to be scored independently from the main one. 

Scenario 1: Mad Mickey - The Reboot
Scenario Description: 
Quarterly profits are down in the Magical Kingdom and Mickey is pissed! Overhead is high and Mickey is looking to downsize. What you may not know about this loveable mouse is that he often moonlights as a gypsy bare-knuckle boxing champion -- which makes him hit harder than a coffin nail. This is a co-op mission to take the mouse down before he dismantles your army! Use your enemy to distract Mickey while you hit him where it hurts!

Special Rules:
Deployment- At the start of the game, place the Mad Mickey model at the exact center of the table, facing the short table edge closest to the bar.
Mad Mickey- Mad Mickey has the following rules:
Special Rules: Individual, Monster, Crushing Strength 2, Piercing 1, Thrown Weapons (18” range), Mickey cannot be Disrupted, when routed all units of either player within 2d6 inches take 2d6 Piercing 1 hits, Fireball (att)
Moving Mickey- At the start of each player turn, the active player chooses a direction and moves Mickey his full move value.  Any unit contacted by Mickey is considered to have been charged by him.
Shooting with Mickey- If Mickey is not in combat, then the player whose turn it is must select one unit within Mickey’s range to shoot at. With his fireball spell.

Victory: This mission is won by slaying the enemy, using Victory Points as per the Kill scenario.

Bonus Battle Points: Note that no bonus points are awarded to either player if Mickey is alive at the end of the game!

Mickey’s Revenge- +1 BP if you sustained any wounds from Mickey detonating when Routed.
Verminator- +1 BP if you inflicted the most wounds on Mickey during the course of the game.
Souvenirs- +1 BP if you routed Mickey.
Franchise Wars- +1 BP if your opponent’s most expensive model with Inspiring is slain.

Scenario 2: The Real Housewives of the OC
Scenario Description: 
Your jaunt through the ‘Magical Kingdom’ has taken a toll financially. Although you think that you and your mates are looking quite dashing in your newly acquired mouse ears, you are starting to learn that the expense was far too great. But you are in luck! Newport is right around the corner! There you quickly find a finely shaped Socialite with an axe to grind. Only problem is, your opponent found one too. Apparently these two socialites have been squaring off for years, so the cat fight is on! Welcome to the “Real” Orange County. where it hurts!

Special Rules:

Deployment- Deployment is as for the Pillage rules.  Prior to deployment, place counters in the table center and one in each corner 18 inches from each table edge.
Housewife Entourage- Prior to deployment, each player must select one Regiment or Horde to be the personal Entourage of their Housewife.  This unit must be placed at the center of your deployment zone and 12” from the rear table edge.  Place the Housewife model next to this unit to mark it. This unit gains the following special rules:
Her Ring is Bigger than Mine!- Each shooting phase, the Entourage may make a ranged attack at a single enemy unit with a magic item, within 18” and in line of sight.  This attack hits on a roll of 4+ on a single die.  If the enemy unit is hit, it loses its magic item for the remainder of the game.
Getting Ready Takes Time!- The Entourage reduces its movement value to 5, if it is faster.  The unit also gains the Fury (may always countercharge if wavered) and Vicious (reroll all to wound rolls of one) rules.

Victory: This mission is won by claiming objectives, per the Pillage Scenario. Each objective scored by a player is worth 250 VP, but if it is controlled by the Entourage it is instead worth 500VP. 

Bonus Battle Points:

The Bitch is Back - +1 BP if your Housewife Entourage routed at least one enemy unit during the game.
Family Heirloom- +1 BP if you successfully destroy one magic item with the Entourage special rule.  If your opponent began the game with no magic items, you score this automatically.
Divorce Court- +1 BP if you routed the enemy Housewife Entourage.
Location, Location, Location- +1 BP if your Entourage controls and objective in your opponent’s half of the board at the end of the game.

Scenario 3: Beach Bunny
Scenario Description: 
After a long night of partying and bowling you awake in a place that is unfamiliar to you.  You try to recall the events of the night before, but the details of last night’s debauchery are lost to you. Good news! Whatever happens at the West Coast GT, stays at the West Coast GT. Bad News! The beach bunny that accompanied you the night before has disappeared, with your phone and wallet, but has left you her address.  (She wasn’t very smart…)  You need to get your stuff back.  And don’t lose that address!
Special Rules:

Deployment- Deployment is as for Invasion.  Also, see Critical Information, below.
Critical Information- After Deployment but to any Vanguard moves, place one loot counter called “The Address” in control of one unit of each player’s choice.  This counter follows all the rules of those used in the Loot scenario, except that it may only be carried off the opponent’s board edge.  It may not be carried off of your own board edge.

Victory: This mission is won entering the opponent’s half of the table, as per the Invasion Scenario, except that units with the War Machine or Individual rule score half of their normal value. Further, if The Address is still in a player’s possession, that player scores 250 VP. If, instead, the counter has been successfully walked off of the opposing table edge, then the player scores the value of the unit for the Invasion and an additional 500 VP.

Bonus Battle Points:

Hot new contact- +1 BP if you control your opponent’s Address counter at the end of the game.
I like their crib better- +1 BP if you have at least one non-flying unit in the enemy deployment zone at the end of the game.
Hold Down the Fort! - +1 BP if you have one and only one unit remaining in your deployment zone at the end of the game.
Keeping it Real - +1 BP if there are no Flyers, War Machines, or Individuals in your deployment zone at the end of the game.

Scenario 4: Beach Blanket Bingo
Scenario Description: 
After three hard fought battles, you and your boys are looking for some rest and relaxation. After reviewing your maps, you are happy to learn that the California coast is very near. It is rumored that the most beautiful girls in the world call this land their home. Excited by this proposition, you and your boys double time it towards the Pacific! You reach the coast in time to find the beach completely packed and the best babe watching locations are quickly being taken over. You and your boys are going to have to move quick if you hope to find a spot on the sand. Pick a beach blanket and hold your spot on the beach!
Special Rules:

Deployment- Prior to deployment, place all three beach blankets along the center line, with one in the table center and the other two 18” on either side of it along the center line. 
The Linus Rule- After sides have been chosen, each player must secretly note one blanket as their favorite.  This is important, because this objective will have double the normal scoring value.
Rock the Casbah- Any unit that has its leader point on a blanket is considered to be inspired and replaces its waver value with “-“ if it is already not fearless.
Kicking Sand in the Face (or worse)!- Any unit attacking an enemy with its leader point on a blanket will increase its Crushing Strength value by one point, as they want the limited sun tan space.

Victory: This mission is won by controlling or contesting the beach blankets. Units with the War Machine, Individual, or Monster rule may not control or contest the blankets. Any other unit with its leader point on the blanket may control or contest it. If one player has the only leader point on the blanket, then they control it and score 400 Victory Points. If both players have leader points on the blanket, it is contested and they each score 200 Victory Points. Controlling or contesting your secretly chosen favorite blanked is worth double the normal points, so 800 for control and 400 for contesting.

Bonus Battle Points:
My Favorite Blanket- +1 BP if you end the game controlling or contesting your secret favorite blanket.
Surf’s Up - +1BP if you have two or more of your leader points on your secret blanket at game’s end.
Wipeout! - +1 BP if your opponent does not control or contest their own favorite blanket at game’s end.
Big Kahuna- +1 BP if you route an enemy unit that was controlling or contesting a blanket at any point during the game.

Scenario 5: Center Stage - Encore
Scenario Description: 
At last, you have made it to the Center Stage of the West Coast Gt. All of the West Coast podcast elite have showed up to bear witness to your epic climb to the top. It is time to give them the performance of a lifetime. Do not tremble or shake before the eyes of the Rock Gods. They only reward the strongest and bravest of warriors. You must walk out onto the Center Stage, show that you are worthy, and win the favor of the West Coast rock gods, before you are able to claim the West Coast GT trophy as your own. May the Gods be with you!

Special Rules:

Deployment- Mark the exact center of the table with the Center Stage Template.  Any unit with its leader point within the Center Stage template is considered to be Center Stage for this scenario’s scoring and special rules.
Invoke the Gods of the West Coast!- At the start of each player’s turn, that player may invoke the rock and roll powers of one of the Gods of the West Coast Stage.  Until their next turn, all units that are considered to be Center Stage are considered Inspired and will gain the benefits granted by their said patron.  If a unit leaves center stage for any reason (Surge or Wind Blast), it immediately loses any benefits.
Choose One: Friendly Center Stage Units are all affected by the corresponding effect-
Mystic Knights of Oingo Boingo: All of the units’ spells increase their dice value by two.
The Go-Gos:  All units gain the Nimble special rule.
The Offspring: All units gain Regeneration (5+) or increase their existing value by one.
Motley Crue: All units gain the Headstrong and Fury rules.
Poison: All units increase their Piercing and Crushing Strength values by one.
Red Hot Chili Peppers: All units gain Breath Weapon 6 or increase their existing value by five.

Victory: This game is won by having the greatest stage presence in the center stage. Add up the cost of each player’s units that would qualify as being Center Stage at the end of the game. This is each player’s score, exactly like the Dominate scenario.

Bonus Battle Points:

Pretty Fly for a White Guy- +1 BP if one of your lowest Rout value units is Center Stage at game’s end.  If tied, getting any unit with the lowest Rout value will score this bonus.
Dead Man’s Party- +1 BP if your opponent has no models with the Inspiring rule that count as being Center Stage at game’s end.
Every Rose has its Thorn- +1 BP if you routed the enemy unit with the most expensive cost.  If tied, killing one of the tied units will score this bonus.
Californication- +1 BP if you cause one or more wounds with a breath weapon during the game.

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