Wednesday, September 7, 2016

West Coast GT 2016: Army List

As I have been saying for the past several posts, this weekend is the West Coast GT. I am busting out my Ratkin army for the weekend, and though I am still sure that I don't quite know what I am doing (as I only have gotten a few games under my belt), I am sure that this list will be fun to play as (1) it includes all the available rat models that are already painted and (2) included lots of fiery death (assuming I can roll a 4+ at some point throughout the game). This is what I am bringing, take a look and complaint about my choices in the comments if you so desire:

Blight Horde (225 pts) (Maccwar's Potion of the Caterpillar)
Blight Horde (205 pts)
Shock Troops Horde (250 pts) (Helm of Confidence)
Warriors Regiment (120 pts) (Diadem of Dragon-kind)
Warriors Regiment (120 pts) (Crepognon's Scrying Gem of Zellak)
Clawshots Troop (90 pts)
Clawshots Troop (90 pts)

War Engines:
Artillery (90 pts)
Artillery (90 pts)
Weapon Team (80 pts) (Storm of Lead)
Weapon Team (80 pts) (Storm of Lead)
Weapon Team (80 pts) (Storm of Lead)

Death Engine (210 pts) (Vile Sorcery)
Death Engine (210 pts) (Vile Sorcery)

Warlock (115 pts) (Scarletmaw's Fenulian Amulet)
Warlock (120 pts) (Myrddin's Amulet of the Fire-heart)
Enforcer (65 pts) (Inspiring Talisman)

Total Points: 2240 points

So the premise of this list, if it can be said to have a premise, is to shoot things and then clean up the remnants of my opponent's army with the horde units. The list packs 4 breath weapons, 2 lightning bolt characters, 2 shooting monsters, and 2 pieces of artillery. The hordes pack a punch and have decent Nerve to help them survive at least one round of combat. I know there isn't as much Inspiring in the army as most people like, and I am sure that in the future after having played more games I will be putting more Inspiring into the army. But right now I don't expect to get to far away from my shooting units with that character and I also don't expect to do much moving at all. I am sure the tournament scenarios will change all that, but this is the list I submitted and it's the list I am sticking with. Here's to the weekend!

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