Monday, November 5, 2012

I'm Back

I have returned to the real world and am now back at home and also back at work (blah!). This past weekend was a whirlwind and I will be letting you in on my thoughts about the tournament itself, the scenarios, the armies, and my battles. But right now I am just too tired and too far behind at work. I only got back into town late last night so it will take me a few days to get pictures updated, sort through my notes, and then write and review my battle reports.

With that being said, I know you are interested in how I did overall. Although the exact scores are not posted yet (so I don't know where in the overall rankings I fell), I can tell you I did not win any awards. In fact, I managed to barely win a single game. Yes, that's right. After 5 games my record was a disappointing 1 win and 4 losses with the all fast cavalry army.

Without having my notes in front of me I know some of that is because of a few mistakes that cost me points when I didn't need to give any up. But, in reality, the biggest issue was that I brought a sharpened stick to a tank battle. The army lists this weekend (not only the ones I played, but the vast majority of them) were lists I would only ever expect at an 'Ard Boyz style event.

The army lists I saw can easily be broken down into this type of build mentality:
  • If one unit of something was amazing, then two was even better.
  • There is no such thing as maximum unit sizes anymore. If an army didn't have at least two units with 50 or more wounds in it then there was no point in bringing them at all.
  • Combat, Combat, Combat!
  • More Combat!!!
Looking back at my army design, I just wasn't prepared for this type of tournament play. But I lived and learned. And next year things will be a little different for the Wood Elves.

1 comment:

  1. Blech! Sorry to hear about the knife-to-a-gunfight sitch. Will be looking forward to what you saw with some of the specific lists. I'm definitely wondering if my current High Elf list could handle something like this tourney.

    Good luck getting back to it!


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