This post, is a little late, but I was unable to update this blog after Waaagh!Paca 2015 as I was preparing for the 2015 U.S. Masters and up to my neck in work. With this little "i'm back" post, I thought I would take the opportunity to show everyone my Hobby Room/Office. As I'm sure you will notice from the following pictures, there are tons and tons of unpainted models and a lot of boxes just waiting to be open.
First up is the gaming closet. This is a large closet where I keep all of my basing materials, terrain, and models still on sprues waiting to be put together. You will notice that this is a ton of stuff, that wall is at least ten feet across and covered in all manner of gaming materials.
Most of the second shelf there is just modelling accessories like basing materials and bitz. Lots and lots of bitz! |
There is at least a full night goblin army and a full dwarf army somewhere in these bitz boxes. |
No one can have too much basing materials, right? Here I have enough to do almost any base type. |
The bottom shelf is just unopened boxes and models still on the sprue. Armies worth of models are sitting here waiting for my attention and I don't know if I will ever actually get to them, or if they will eventually make it to E-bay. Except for the Nagash model, I haven't purchased anything really recently except for another unit of Wild Riders which I needed for the masters.
One day, future hobby projects, one day. |
Oh, there is also a full lizardmen army just hanging out too, if I ever decide that I'm tired of elves. |
Next up is my painting table, which is currently a mess of models. Here lies broken models waiting to be fixed, models that need small/major touchups, and models that I know I will need when I got back to playing Dark Elves. There are also a ton of monsters sitting on the back hoping that they are useful in Ninth Edition.
Power of the clutter. |
In the Hobby Room I also have two display cases that I am attempting to fill with painted armies. One houses lots of Dark Elves and primed Wood Elves. The other is going to house the majority of newer painted models, but which is pretty lacking at the moment. You can see what's sitting inside each as the have glass doors.
There's only 5000+ points of Dark Elf infantry in this case from when the army was good in 7th edition. |
This is the one where all the pretty models will go, when I finish them. |
So there you have it, a quick two-cent tour through my Hobby Room. Payment can me mailed to my house or sent via paypal. There are no freeloaders on this tour!
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