Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tournament Focus: Broadside Bash 2016

The 2016 tournament scene is beginning for table top wargaming. For those of you who are looking to drop into either Kings of War or Age of Sigmar, the Broadside Bash has you covered. The Broadside Bash is a yearly wargaming tournament held in San Diego, California. This year the tournament will be held during Kingdom Con, April 30th to May 1st, 2016 at the San Diego Crowne Plaza in Hotel Circle, San Diego, CA. And more importantly, this year the Broadside Bash is running both a Kings of War event and an Age of Sigmar event. If you are interested, you can sign-up for the tournament here.

Let's take a look at what the Broadside is bringing to both Kings of War and Age of Sigmar:

Age of Sigmar
The Broadside is offering a 20 player, 2000 point Age of Sigmar tournament that uses the SDK point system. Each army must be drawn entirely from one Grand Alliance (so all Chaos, Order, Death, or Destruction - no mixing of the alliances, but mixing of races is totally fine). However, no special characters will be allowed (sorry Nagash!). Each round will be governed by a special scenario which are available here. Additional special rules are also available in the packet and include basic rules like a roll of a "1" is always a failure. I just took a quick glance at the scenarios and they looky pretty interesting. Not enough to keep from playing Kings of War, but if that wasn't an option I could see playing in the Age of Sigmar tournament just to break some models out onto the table.

The margin of victory for the Age of Sigmar tournament is pretty low. Between 1-299 points is a draw. While over 300 points is a win. A win will get you 17 points, a draw 11 points, and a loss 7 points with a possibility of 3 additional points from the scenarios. I expect a lot of wins coming out of these games as a 300 point margin of error on 2000 points in Age of Sigmar is pretty slim (especially under SDK).

Kings of War
For Kings of War, the Broadside is offering a 30 player, 2000 point tournament using the 2nd Edition rules and army lists, including the Twilight Kin!!! However, like Age of Sigmar, no special characters can be taken. Missions for Kings of War will be played straight out of the rulebook and all scenarios use the standard victory points as described in the 2nd Edition A win will get you 17 points, a draw 11 points, and a loss 7 points with a possibility of 3 additional points from the scenarios. This is a standard introductory tournament for the game system which has - from what I hear - flooded the Southern California gaming scene. So I hope the tournament fills up and that Kings of War transitions itself into a solid tournament gaming system.

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