Monday, January 28, 2013

This Past Weekend: January 27, 2013

This weekend I found myself cleaning house. After having spent many weeknights and weekends painting feverishly (well, feverishly for me anyways), and having spent five days away from home only to come back to more work than I remembered, it was time for me to spend some serious time getting my normal life in order. For me, that means making sure my work clothes and suits are clean and ironed (which takes forever), that there are groceries in the refrigerator (so I don't spend all my money eating out during the week), and generally cleaning the place up so it looks presentable enough that my girlfriend is willing to stay there at night (which requires a bathroom much cleaner than any male should keep it).

Because of these activities, very little hobbying was accomplished. The most impressive activity I managed was importing all of the WaaaghPaca pictures from my camera and my phone onto my computer and organizing them so I can upload them onto the blog. There are some really great photos from this tournament that I can't wait to share from interesting Man of Intrigue models to fantastically painted armies to hilarious photos of my opponents not to mention photos from my five games of Warhammer. I expect to have at least the Tournament Overview post finished and uploaded by the end of this week and if I can find a couple more spare hours I will also finish up my Round 1 battle report against Brad Schwandt and his Skaven army!

On another note, I have been sneakily purchasing Squigs and Squig Herders for my upcoming Night Goblin army. Right now I have managed to get an old package of Squig Herders, some old Squigs, and a couple of plastic Fanatics which I will be converting to be spinning Squigs about instead of cannon balls.

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