Wednesday, January 9, 2013

This Past Weekend January 7, 2013

I caught the flu. It was horrible. I was sick over most of the weekend and well into this week. Being sick is a physical and psychological drain. But being sick when one has to paint miniatures for an upcoming tournament, even worse!

This past weekend I only got to paint for a few hours before my resolve finally crumbled and my body fell into the couch watching the Marvel Superhero movies. However, before I crashed I did finish a couple of key projects.

First, I painted the last Dryad for my first Dryad unit. Yes, that is correct, I have finished one whole unit of Dryads. Here is what Dryad #8 looks like:

I also finished the magnetized movement tray for the unit so it will be easier to move them around on the battlefield:

Now, when all the guys are put together on the movement tray it looks like a pissed of, destructive, living forest. Here are a couple of picks of the unit all put together:

This weekend is lots of Tournament Prep. There is a small Warhammer tournamet at my FLGS that I will be using to wet my feet and get back into the swing of things (and also to practice how well I document my tournament games). Then, on Sunday, I am going to try and at least base paint the remaining units of Dryads so that I can field them for the tournament. And maybe find a display board I can take on the airplane. Its going to be busy!

On a side note, I also joined the Bad Dice Podcast's 2013 Hobby Challenge. The goal is to paint a full army between now and November, 2013. Each month you put forth the unit you are going to paint and finish, post progress, and, if you succeed, you get an entry for some gaming related prizes. It looked like a fun way to keep motivated as I still have over 4000+ points of Wood Elves that are not yet painted (or even put together). So for this challenge I am going to paint lots of Forest Spirits including some Treemen, Treekin, and Wild Riders that may even get used at one of the upcoming tournaments. I will be posting my progress with that challenge on this page as well, so be sure to check back at the end of each month to see how I am doing.

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