For 2013 the scoring of the tournament is as follows:
- A total maximum of 20 Battle Points can be earned, up to 4 points per game as per the scenario rules.
- A total of 20 points can be earned for army appearance.
- A total of 20 points can be earned for Sportsmanship.
- 5 points for Best Sportsman Votes (1 point for each vote) - these will be the toughest points to get at the tournament in the Sportsmanship category
- 1 point if three out of five opponents indicate that they would play your list again (I should hopefully get this point as I am playing Wood Elves)
- 1 point if three out of five opponents indicate that they would play you again (I hope to get this point too, but it is also closely linked to the Best Sportsman Votes)
- 1 point for participating in the Charity Raffle (this year the raffle involves bringing a new/unused gaming item that can be auctioned off) - I have a set of dice that has my FLGS's insignia on it that I will be bringing to guarantee myself this point.
- 1 point for participating in the Mustache Contest (I will definitely be getting this point as I have been growing out a very special Spanish Conquistador style mustache for the last few months, including end twists)
- 1 point for participating in the 2013 Vacation Contest (already did, 1 point earned!)
- And finally, 10 points are given on loan for tournament etiquette. These points can only be lost for starting games late, failing to turn in score sheets on time, etc. (I am going to try really hard not to lose these points!)
The 20 appearance points are going to be much more difficult for me to get. These points are awarded as follows:
- 6 points if the entire army is painted to a 3 color minimum standard
- 1 point if there is both a man of intrigue model and an objective model
- 1 point if the army has a consistent basing scheme
- 1 point if the army has matching movement trays
- 1 point for a display board with name placard
- 1 point for a consistent paint scheme
- 1 point for noticeable highlights and shading
- 1 point for noticeable conversions
- 1 point if the character models stand out
- 1 point if the army displays a high level of technical painting skill
- 1 point if the army displays a high level of technical modeling skill
- 1 point if the army theme extends beyond paint to include modeling, basing and unit selection
- 1 point if the army receives 5+ player choice votes
- 1 point if the man of intrigue receives 5+ player choice votes
- 1 point if the army is receiving the best army award
WaaaghPaca! 2013 includes both a "Man of Intrigue" model and the use of an objective marker.
The "Man of Intrigue" model is used in every scenario. It is a single model, no larger than 50mm, that is attached to a core unit of your choice at the start of the game and follows rules similar to that of war machine crew. It is always considered part of that core unit and must remain within 1" of that unit at all times, but is otherwise ignored for game play purposes. The "Man of Intrigue" may be deployed with a different core unit each game and may have additional special rules as defined by the scenario. Finally, if the unit with the "Man of Intrigue" is destroyed or flees of the table, it is worth an additional 100 victory points at the end of the game.
The objective marker is not used in every scenario, but when it is used it follows very specific rules. The marker may be no larger than 50mm and is always deployed by the unit containing the "Man of Intrigue" model at the end of one of that unit's remaining moves phases, but not in a turn in which the unit declared a charge, marched, swift reformed, fled, failed a stupidity test, or is otherwise engaged in close combat. The marker is placed d6" away from the unit in any direction and must be deployed 1" away from any unit or terrain piece.
Once deployed, the marker does not block line of sight and counts as dangerous terrain for any unit moving through the marker. Additionally, the marker may be destroyed by having a unit touch the marker and passing a d6 test. The d6 test is taken by trying to roll lower than the number of wounds remaining in the unit with a 6 always counting as a failure.
For example, a single model with 3 wounds tries to destroy the marker. It rolls a d6. If the model rolls a 3 or less, the marker is destroyed. If the model rolls a 4 or higher, the marker remains. In contrast, a unit of ten models tries to destroy the marker. As the unit has ten wounds left, the marker is destroyed unless the unit rolls a 6, as a 6 is always a failure to destroy the marker.If the objective marker is destroyed, the player who destroyed that marker earns an additional 100 victory points.
Scenario #1:
Dawn attack deployment with the following exceptions: (1) the player who traveled the farthest to WaaaghPaca! decides who picks table sides; (2) any unit generating fortitude does not have to roll for random deployment and may deploy normally; and (3) the player who picked table sides decides who takes the first turn.
The "Man of Intrigue's" special rules are as follows:
- The "Man of Intrigue" is "the party boy." His unit must use the ambushers special rule.
- The ambushing unit will always come in on one of the opponent's deployment areas by rolling a d6 in the same fashion as deployment.
- 3 battle points awarded for winning the game by more than 100 victory points.
- 2 battle points awarded for winning or losing the game by less than 100 victory points.
- 1 battle point is awarded for losing the game by more than 100 victory points.
- An additional 1 battle point is earned for ending the game with a unit in at least two of the opponent's deployment areas (right flank, center, or left flank).
Battleline deployment and rules with the following exception: the player with the least fortitude chooses table sides and decides who deploys first.
The "Man of Intrigue's" special rules are as follows:
- The "Man of Intrigue" is "the bureaucrat." His unit counts as an enemy to both players for march blocking purposes.
- The "Man of Intrigue's" unit may deploy the objective marker this game. The marker counts as two fortitude points in the table quarter it is deployed in. The marker also counts as an enemy to both players for march blocking purposes.
- 3 battle points are awarded for capturing the most table quarters. Table quarters are captured by having the most fortitude in the table quarter at the end of the game. If fortitude points are equal in a table quarter, that quarter is contested.
- 2 battle points are awarded for capturing an equal number of table quarters.
- 1 battle point is awarded for capturing the least table quarters.
- An additional 1 battle point is earned for deploying your objective marker in the opponent's half of the table.
Meeting engagement deployment with one exception: the player with the least facial hair must choose table sides (and therefore deploy his entire army first).
The "Man of Intrigue's" special rules are as follows:
- The "Man of Intrigue" is "the singer." Any wizard attached to the "Man of Intrigue's" unit may "boost" one of his spells by singing for fifteen seconds during the spell roll. The "boosted" spell needs only to meet the un-boosted spell casting cost, but has the boosted spell effects.
- Additionally, any wizard attached to the "Man of Intrigue's" unit may "boost" one of his dispel attempts per phase by singing for fifteen seconds during the dispel roll. The "boosted" dispel attempt adds 5 to the dice roll.
- 0 battle points are awarded for accumulating between 0 to 300 victory points.
- 1 battle point is awarded for accumulating between 301 and 600 victory points.capturing the least table quarters.
- 2 battle points are awarded for accumulating between 601 and 1200 victory points.
- 3 battle points are awarded for accumulating more than 1200 victory points.
- An additional 1 battle point is earned for signing (and thereby "boosting" a spell or dispel) exactly three times.
Blood and Glory with one exception: the player with the most facial hair chooses table sides.
The "Man of Intrigue's" special rules are as follows:
- The "Man of Intrigue" is "the warrior." Any enemy unit charging the "Man of Intrigue's" unit suffers d6 dangerous terrain tests.
- The "Man of Intrigue's" unit may deploy the objective marker this game. The marker counts as two fortitude points if within 12" of the center of the board at the end of the game. The marker also causes an additional d6 dangerous terrain tests (on top of its normal d6 dangerous terrain tests) for any unit attempting to cross over the marker.
- 3 battle points awarded for winning the game by more than 100 victory points.
- 2 battle points awarded for winning or losing the game by less than 100 victory points.
- 1 battle point is awarded for losing the game by less than 300 victory points.
- 0 battle points are awarded for losing the game by more than 300 victory points.
- An additional 1 battle point is earned for having more fortitude points than your opponent within 12" of the center of the board at the end of the game.
Battleline with the following exception: the luckiest player (determined by rolling a d6) chooses table sides.
The "Man of Intrigue's" special rules are as follows:
- The "Man of Intrigue" is "the chosen one." The "Man of Intrigue's" unit gains the River Strider special rule and counts all water features as open ground for movement purposes.
- 3 battle points awarded for winning the game by more than 100 victory points.
- 2 battle points awarded for winning or losing the game by less than 100 victory points.
- 1 battle point is awarded for losing the game by less than 300 victory points.
- 0 battle points are awarded for losing the game by more than 300 victory points.
- An additional 1 battle point is earned if your opponent's "Man of Intrigue" is destroyed or has fled of the board at the end of the game.
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