Thursday, January 30, 2014

WaaaghPaca 2014: Tournament Review

Well, WaaaghPaca 2014 has passed us by. Time for the tournament report.

Similar to last year, the tournament was held at the Waupaca Ale House, a great little venue right off the main road. This is one of the main draws of the tournament and I hope they get to keep the venue after all the damage that some assholes caused on the first night before the tournament.

This year, scoring was changed up slightly so that all the scores were increased to 25 points each. Last year, there was a slightly different scoring system which was not as easy to understand. I liked the simple 25 point maximum for each category as it made overall calculations much easier.

This year, I placed in a tie for 12th (but ended up getting 15th after the strength of schedule tie breaker was added in). This is a significant increase from last year's placing in the low 40s of the tournament. Complete scores for the tournament should be up on the site soon, but my overall score breakdown was as follows:

  • Total points accumulated was 85
  • 19 Battle Points (went 4-1 for the weekend and missed 3 out of 5 bonus objectives. This is similar to last years playing, but in my one loss, I took a much larger points hit than last year.)
  • 21 Paint Points (this was a large increase from last year. I plan on posting pictures of the entire army soon, but I was able get all the objective and subjective paint points except for those that involved favorite army votes. Next year I am already planning a better display board and some larger conversions to draw in some passer-bys.)
  • 20 Sportsmanship Points (once again I did not get a single favorite opponent vote. I chalk this up to some bad match-ups where the games were over very quickly - including a turn 1 game - and the general level of sportsman who attends WaaaghPaca.)
  • 25 Base Points (these were given for not screwing things up during the tournament and getting everything done that was supposed to be done)

The prizes this year were equally as amazing as last year. The Bear once again made handmade weapons for all the victors, this year themed as fantasy orc weapons. I can easily say that I am already suffering from post-paca depression and am already looking forward to next year and hopefully cracking the top 10. Now to get to work on some battle reports!


  1. Great job bro! Can't wait to hear all your battle reports!


    1. Thanks man, now I just got to get working on them all. Playing around with Battle Chronicler so hopefully everything will be a little bit more straightforward.

  2. Also I couldn't vote for you because of the grudgement. Some people also just don't understand that 4 monsters is a concession right?

    1. Well, I didn't want to presume that I was your favorite opponent (though I totally was and our game was crazy exciting with lots of death and destruction all around). 4 Monsters is a total concession, especially against all those Daemons players with two "skill" cannons.


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