So over the last week I have been able to put a little bit more time into painting. I know I need to hurry up, and this weekend I plan on really pushing through these warlocks and starting the remaining monsters. I also need to order an army name plate and start work on an army display board that I can fit in my luggage (as I am flying to Milwaukee and then driving to WaaaghPaca). So, I have a lot of things on my plate to finish off before the tournament and only about two and half more weeks to get it done. I am on track to finish the warlocks for sure, but am worried about getting the rest done. Hopefully, if all else fails, I can get some base colors and initial washes/highlights done on the other models to get the basic paint points for the tournament.
All of that being said, here is the most recent progress on the warlocks, along with how I am painting them.
I painted all the leather parts Gorthor Brown, followed by a Reikland Flesh Wash. That was then edge highlighted by Balor Brown.
The close up of the leather work. |
For the skin, I did a liberal base coat of Kislev Flesh, also followed by a heavy wash of Reikland Flesh Wash. This provided a nice skin undercoating to work with. The pants were base coated with Codex Grey and then washed heavily with Black Wash. I then painted Codex Grey over various areas of the pants again to give them a solid, dark fold area and provide some additional depth to the models. At this point, all of the arm bands and horse bits were painted Bolt Gun Metal, and have received a liberal Black Wash to fill in the arm band crevasses.
Slowly building up highlighting on the model. |
Later, I went back to work on the pants with an initial Celesta Grey highlight, followed by a very thin Ulthuan Grey line highlight to add even more depth to the pants and have since decided to treat the buckles on the pants (or chaps, as they are elves!) the same as I painted the leather.
As the models were drying from various levels of washing, I needed to start work on the bases. I fitted the models to the magnetic bases so that there would be a space to glue the feet. I then glued various rocks, debris, etc on the bases so that it looked like the models were running over sparse land. This was then primed black.
Black primer for the win! |
From this stage, a real dark grey was heavily dry-brushed over the entire base.
Drybrush all your troubles away. |
From there, I didn't really like the way the bases looked (the primer died towards the end of priming) so I liberally washed the entire base with Black Wash to dirty the stones and fill in any spots.
Always with the washes, this kid. |
So, as can be seen from above, progress has been made. In fact, I made so much progress on one particular model that I decided to finish him outright so that I would know how the rest of the models were going to look and what stages to paint at what time. Without further ado, I give you my first finished Doomfire Warlock (on base no less). Only nine more to go!
I have added facial and arm tattoos to mark these models as marked by the Dark Gods and have painted their hair and weapons in a similar color scheme to the symbols carved into their steeds. |
Another angle, showing the base features and the warlock's weapon. I am not sure if this will stay this bright, or get toned down to be a darker purple as the rest of the unit gets finished. |
Looking good bro! Get that dark elf cheese painted.