Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Waaagh!Paca 2015: Army List

Last week I submitted my army list for Waaagh!Paca 2015 and I can say that I am very pleased with my final decision. This year I am going to play one of the new army lists from the End Times book, the army of the Eternity King. This list allows me to play both my dark elves and wood elves in the same army (and had I any high elves, I would have probably found a way to add them in too). Being able to take models from both the wood elves and dark elves allowed me to increase my overall shooting potential while still having solid magic and close combat phases for most of my games. Here is what I will be bringing to Waupaca, WI later this month:

Army of the Eternity King

Dark Elf Supreme Sorceress
  • General, Level 4, Lore of Death, Dark Pegasus, Cloak of Twilight, Dispel Scroll
Wood Elf Glade Captain
  • Battle Standard Bearer, Elven Steed, Asrai Spear, Starfire Shafts, Hail of Doom Arrow, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem
Wood Elf Glade Guard (10 models, musician, standard bearer, Trueflight Arrows)
Wood Elf Glade Guard (10 models, musician, standard bearer, Trueflight Arrows)
Wood Elf Glade Guard (10 models, musician, standard bearer, Hagbane Arrows)
Wood Elf Wild Riders (6 models, standard bearer, Banner of Eternal Flame, shield)
Wood Elf Wild Riders (6 models, standard bearer, Gleaming Pennant, shield)
Dark Elf Repeater Bolt Thrower
Dark Elf Repeater Bolt Thrower
Dark Elf Repeater Bolt Thrower
Wood Elf Way Watchers (7 models)
Wood Elf Way Watchers (7 models)
Dark Elf Doomfire Warlocks (5 models)

This list comes in at a whopping 1997 points, right under the 2000 point cap. The flying Level 4 with Death should help take care of over powered characters and pesky low-leadership monsters that I am sure will be out in force. The battle standard bearer is just standard fare in Eighth edition and I can never say no to the Hail of Doom Arrow.

Glade Guard fills the core slot with one unit of poison and two units of no-modifiers to help take on nasty warmachines or other missile troops while the three bolt throwers take on the 1+ armor save units that may be hopping around certain battlefields. The way watchers will also help push through wounds on 1+ armor save models and characters. The warlocks operate as additional magic and close combat troops against enemy chaff and the wild riders will seek to act as glass hammers and hopefully push big holes into tough creatures thereby allowing the archers to finish the units up.

As you only have to win by 100 points in most games, this list helps me take care of fast units and play clean up to make sure that I win by that very narrow margin. Additionally, this list starts with 7 fortitude on the board which should allow me to win most fortitude based battle objectives. Especially as 4 of that fortitude is extremely fast moving.

Here's to another good year!


  1. Is it allowed to have the Banner of Eternal flames listed twice?

    1. Unfortunately, they cannot. Instead the second unit has the Gleaming Pennant. This is what happens when I use copy and paste. Luckily, I sent the appropriate list in to Rodge last week. Otherwise I would have looked even more foolish.

  2. He posted on twitter one of them is Gleaming Pennant. Pretty nasty and I think a well put together list for the scenarios and tournament games. Would love a chance to play again. Not because I think I can take your list, just because I know it will be a great game.

    1. You find any time between all the normal shenanigans and you have yourself a fun game, sir. I need a rematch now that Eltharion is dead!


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