So last year I did a post about my hobby resolutions for 2014. Most of the resolutions related to finishing models in my hobby room, but some were tournament related. The original 2014 post is available
here, but I thought now would be a good time to go back and see if I completed any of those resolutions as well as outline my Warhammer resolutions for 2015.
2014 Resolutions:
- Paint 10 Doomfire Warlocks - COMPLETED! This was one of the painting projects I had for Waaagh!Paca 2014 and I managed to finish two units of five for the tournament. Here they are in all their finished glory.
Ten of the baddest boys in the Warhammer world. |
Now those are some angry, angry dudes! |
- Paint 1 Kharybdis - NOT completed. I started working on this model for Waaagh!Paca 2014 and managed to get some base coats and an initial washing on the model before the tournament, but then I didn't touch it for the rest of the year and it has just been sitting on my painting table.
So pathetic looking without any highlights, but you can see the purple color scheme I was going for. |
- Paint 1 Bloodwrack Medusa - NOT Completed! Much like the Kharybdis, I was working on this model for Waaagh!Paca 2014, but did not finish it in time. It has base coats and a little wash, but nothing showing what the model will end up looking like if I ever get around to painting it.
How is she going to turn anyone to stone without eyes? |
- Paint 1 High Beastmaster on Manticore - NOT Completed! This was also a Waaagh!Paca 2014 model project. This model was more of a re-do painting as it had paint already on it. In the end, I only managed to retouch it slightly and add a Beastmaster, thought I still desire to go back and repaint this model completely to fit in with the rest of the Dark Elf army's paint scheme.
If it looks like a 12 year old did it, its because he did. Eventually I will get around to fixing this guy. |
- Paint 20 Wood Elf Glade Riders - HALF Completed. Last year I was able to finish one unit of 10 Glade Riders completely. They other unit is close, and may be finished soon.
Charge! |
Side view of the horses. I am most proud of the horses for this unit. |
- Paint 20 Dryads - NOT completed. Not even close.
- Qualify for the U.S. Masters Tournament - COMPLETED! I managed to snag my spot by getting second place at the West Coast Qualifier. Now I need to start work on the army and army list for February.
- Paint 2 Terrain pieces - NOT completed. Not even close. I didn't even manage to put any together from my growing collection of terrain. How will I ever play at the house without terrain?
- Put together a gaming board - NOT completed. But I did manage to actually pick up both a Frontline Gaming play mat and the GW board so I can play at the house, if I had any terrain finished.
- Lose 20 lbs - NOT Completed. Christmas time is a killer, that's all I can say.
- Write at least 1 blog post a week - NOT completed. Things got in the way. I did managed to write a bunch, and even increased my total hits to 40,000 this year (which is awesome), there were still several weeks/months that passed by without even a single post. Hopefully I can be better this year.
- Update battle reports more frequently - HALF completed. Most reports were on time, but there were definitely a few tournaments where I dropped the ball. Need to work on this too, as I have gotten lots of comments that the battle reports are better when they are longer and I put more effort into them.
- Write 3 tactical articles - NOT completed. I didn't even manage to think up some ideas for tactical articles this year.
So after a year's work, I managed to accomplish only a fraction of my goals. But, at least I managed to finish up a couple of units that I can play with and have slowly made more progress as the year progressed. I have a lot of models and armies to finish before all the unopened boxes are gone.
With 2014 past, I wanted to take this opportunity to also address my resolutions for 2015. This year, I plan to go a little bit bigger with the painting as I want to clear out space in my army closet (and so I can play all iterations of possible army lists). I also want to spend a little bit more time on each project rather than feeling so rushed. My desire is that by focusing more time on each project the overall quality of the project will go up. Thus, without further ado, my
Warhammer Resolutions for 2015:
- Paint 50 Glade Guard
- Paint 20 Waywatchers
- Paint 20 Glade Guard Scouts
- Paint 20 Glade Riders
- Paint a mounted sorcered
- Paint a sorcerer on foot
- Paint both a mounted and on foot wood elf Battle Standard Bearer
- Paint 20 Dark Riders
- Paint 20 Wild Riders
- Paint 10 Sisters of the Thorn
- Lose 20 lbs!!! (It's on there again)
- Clean up my office/gaming room
- Clear out old games/models that I don't want/won't use
- Qualify for the U.S. Masters 2016
- Play in at least 5 tournaments
- Play at least one game a month
- Update Battle Reports more frequently and with better coverage and pictures
- Provide more army features from tournaments
- Increase blog readership by 20,000 views for the year
- Keep enjoying the game!!! (This is by far the biggest resolution. Hopefully GW doesn't disappoint me).
And there they are, my resolutions for this year. Let us see if I can do better this year than I did last year.
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