Monday, October 15, 2012

This Past Weekend

Somehow, I managed to accomplish a significant amount of hobbying this weekend. I attended a tournament at my local stomping grounds on Saturday and played three great games of Warhammer. On Sunday I managed to do some painting and hobbying and finished several steps in some of my ongoing projects.

As I will be providing Round Breakdowns and Battle Reports in the coming days, this post is just to show off what hobbying was accomplished.

Here is the first of the Glade Riders for the new unit. The bow and weapons still need work, and nothing has been done to the back of the rider, but the clothing color scheme is pretty much finished.
Another Dryad with initial base colors, the dark wash, and initial highlights on the wood color. There are still several layering effects left including the blue sprite and the fall foliage. This one should be finished (except for basing) this weekend.

Here are three Glade Guard after initial base colors and a washing of Devlin Mud. Next up is painting the model with a three color layering for the armor, clothing, and skin.

The biggest accomplishment of the weekend was finishing the bases on the second unit of Glade Rider horses. All ten horses were completely based and then sprayed with a matte finish to keep the flock and other basing materials in place.
Different angle.

Close-up of one of the horse bases.

Another close-up.
The beginning of two magnetic Dryad bases for the Dryads I finished last weekend. One has a sprite and the other a rock piece. Because the Dryad models are so tall I find more materials on the base provide a better look for the Dryads overall.
The start of the next movement tray for the second unit of Glade Riders.

The first finished movement tray for the first unit of ten Glade Riders. Hopefully this coming weekend I will be able to finish the Dryad bases and get another two Dryad models completed bringing my grand total of complete Dryads to three and completed Wood Elf models to fifteen. Yes, I know I am slacking on this, but I am actually trying to paint these models to the best of my ability to hopefully eke out a couple extra paint points at the tournaments next year.

1 comment:

  1. Nice progress. I like the way the horses are looking.


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