Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Alamo GT 2013: Scenario Review

The Alamo GT is almost upon us (Yay!). Today, I will be going over the Alamo GT scenarios and explain my plan to get the bonus points from each scenario. Let's dive in.

Standard rules for all scenarios: Normal 12" deployment with 100 victory points to win. A win net's 16 battle points for the scenario, a draw nets 8, and a loss 4. Each scenario has a bonus objective worth 4 battle points. So, if a person wins all their games and gets all the bonus points they will recieve 100 battle points. Looking at the scenarios, I don't expect this to happen. Actually, I don't expect anyone to even get all of the bonus objective points. They are just that difficult to get.
Scenario 1: "Mal de Ojo!!"
Pick one of your characters to cast the "Ojo" at the enemy. He may pick any model (not just a character) in the enemy army. In close combat, all attacks against the target model made by the character hit automatically. The player whose character kills the target of his Ojo and survives the battle, while preventing your opponent from doing the same, wins the objective and the 4 points.

My plan for getting these 4 bonus points depends heavily on my opponent's army. If my opponent has units of chaff, or even a single monster, cannon, etc. my Dreadlord will declare a model of that unit the target of his Ojo. Keeping my opponent from getting these bonus objective points will be very hard, unless he chooses my Dreadlord as everything can die fairly easy if he is willing to go straight at it.

Scenario 2: "Pinata!!"
In the center of the board is a Pinata which has toughness 6, unlimited wounds, no armor save and is immune to magic. The Pinata is hit automatically in close combat. For every wound caused against the Pinata, move it that many inches directly away from the unit that caused the wounds. Whoever causes the most wounds to the Pinata wins the bonus objective.

My plan in this scenario is to swing all my shooting around to one flank and fire away at the Pinata moving it at a diagonal angle into a corner of the board and away from my opponent's units. This way, I hope to prevent a super combat unit from putting 10+ wounds a turn on the Pinata. Decent early turn shooting should move it away from my opponent's army and into an area where I can keep my opponent from getting into contact with it. Preventing my opponent from getting these points just requires me to put more wounds on the Pinata than they can. If I can move it from their line of sight, this shouldn't be a problem.

Scenario 3: "Save the Keg!"
One "true core" unit starts the game with the unfloatable keg (I really wish this was a thing). That unit must deploy in the center of the battlefield, becomes stubborn, and is subject to stupidity. A unit loses the keg if it is destroyed, flees, or leaves the table. Whoever still has the keg at the end of the battle gets the bonus points.

Well, this scenario will be tricky. I can put the keg on a Dark Rider unit or the crossbowmen, but if it goes on a Dark Rider until I can't use that unit to flee from a charge or I will drop the keg. My best bet will be to stay away in a corner of the battlefield with the keg to prevent my opponent from getting these points. Killing my opponent's keg (and thereby getting the points myself) will much more difficult. I assume that my opponent's best combat unit is going to be given the keg (why not, they become stubborn). I may try to bait with a few units and if I can get lucky (and my opponent is not paying attention) I may get a pursuit off the table. This will be much easier with a frenzy unit getting the keg. If that happens I will be setting up charges near the board edges in the hope that a pursuit or overrun move takes that unit of the board and thereby drops the keg. Wishful thinking I know, but there won't be much I can do unless I get really lucky or my opponent puts the keg on something I can actually kill.

Scenario 4: "Come and Take it!!"
Each army gets a magical cannon that is deployed as normal for war machines. The cannon is a normal cannon except that it does not have a crew. The player whose cannon is still alive at the end of the game gets the bonus points.

I don't expect to get these points. But my opponent will definitely not be getting these points either. I have too many units that will kill the cannon by the end of the game; harpies, Dreadlord, Dark Riders, etc. and it has no actual crew so it dies if it gets charged. The issue is protecting my cannon and there really isn't any unit I have that I can park in front of the cannon to keep it alive. But that may just be my best opportunity to get these points. So these bonus objective points will be dependent on terrain, opponent army, etc.

Scenario 5: "Remember the Alamo!!"
Your general hates the enemy general. Bonus points are awarded as follows:
  • +1 for killing or forcing off the table more special and rare units
  • +1 for capturing more table quarters
  • +1 for holding more standards
  • +1 for capturing or killing more points in magical items, daemonic gifts and casters than your opponent
I will most likely be splitting these bonus objective points. I have 5 special and rare units so I either have to keep them alive or find a way to kill more of my opponent's units. This will be hard. Capturing more table quarters will also be difficult depending on the match-up and the fact that lots of my units don't really move around the board. Holding more standards will also be hard as I only have three in the entire army. Finally, the magic item one is up in the air. I have lots of magic item points available, but most of them are hard to kill. On the same token, though, it is really hard for me to kill certain enemy characters.

So there you have it; my absurd plans to get as many of the bonus points as possible. Being realistic, I expect to get 10 of the bonus battle points. I may be able to pick up another 2 points if I am lucky, and another 4 if I am really lucky. But in no way do I except to get the full 20 battle points. We'll see how it goes.

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